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Sat, 18 Sep, 2021

10 Common Maths Writing PromptsĀ  for Class 1!

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Writing in maths is used to observe the mathematical thinking developed in students of class 1. Maths writing prompts allow students of class 1 to describe mathematical concepts in their language. With the help of maths writing, we can assess the extent to which class 1 children have absorbed concepts from their maths learning. These writing prompts for class 1 in maths for students provide an easy starting point to write about mathematics. It is a powerful tool to gauge the level of understanding of class 1 students. This article discusses 10 maths writing prompts and how they are helpful for class 1 students.

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Ten Common Math Writing Prompts For Students Of Class 1:

  • What is multiplication: This maths writing prompt assesses what the child has already learnt or is presently learning. It is meant to check if they understand definitions.

  • Write down everything you know about “the Area of a square”: Like the last prompt, this is used to check the conceptual understanding of a particular maths topic. The topic may be anything like multiplication, factoring, division, etc.

  • Write about how you would solve the maths problem: This maths writing prompt allows class 1 students to write down how they think while solving the maths problem instead of just solving it. Explaining the steps of solving the maths problem through writing is very informative about how clear the procedure of solving a maths problem is to a class 1 student.

  • Describe two ways that a maths problem can be solved: A maths problem can be solved in many ways. You will reach the same answer using all the methods. If the child knows how to solve the same maths problem in two ways, it shows their flexibility in problem-solving.

  • What would be the most direct way to solve the maths problem, and what makes this way better: As mentioned above, the maths problem can be solved in multiple ways. Some of these ways are more direct and efficient than others. Mathematical flexibility can be observed if the child can consider these different methods and use logical thinking to arrive at the most efficient method of solving it.

  • What method would you prefer to use while solving a maths problem: It will help students answer the question of which method they think they are best at out of all the methods of solving a problem.

  • Form a mathematical word problem that can be solved using the method we are learning in class: This maths writing prompt uses reverse psychology to avoid rote learning. To be able to form the word problem, the class 1 student should be confident about the concept they are learning.

  • What is the similarity and difference between these two mathematical situations: This maths writing prompt uses graphs or diagrams to test a child’s understanding of two similar mathematical situations. It also determines whether a student can find the differences in similar situations.

  • Which mathematical concept did you learn about today? How does this learning connect to things that you have already learned: This mathematical writing prompt allows the child to pause and reflect on what they are learning currently and what they have learned in the past. Thinking about their mathematical thoughts and putting them down on paper enables children of class 1 to organise their thoughts about what they have learned.

  • What is true in the following situation? How do you know it is true: This kind of maths writing prompt helps students to learn from observation. They are encouraged to notice relevant details in a mathematical scenario where there is no direct question involved. Class 1 students are also nudged to infer not apparent but underlying conclusions.

Think, Write, Solve: Ignite Mathematical Creativity with these Math writing prompts for Class 1. Book a FREE class NOW!


Maths writing prompts are a part of mathematical journaling, which is taught to class 1 kids for consolidation of fundamentals and reflection of knowledge. It is an essential habit for the coming years of school as the concepts studied will keep increasing, and, to expand mathematical comprehension, maths writing prompts are your child’s best tool.

Talk to our experts NOW to know more!


  1. What is a prompt in Math?

Maths writing prompts are used in maths journaling to assess how much a student has learned about a particular maths topic.

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  1. What is the use of a maths writing prompt?

Maths writing prompts are used in school to assess a child’s understanding of maths concepts.

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