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Mon, 25 Oct, 2021

30 interesting & fun writing prompts for grade 2 students!

Wondering what writing prompts for Grade 2 students are? Well, if you want to enhance the writing skills of your kid, you should give them writing prompts daily or at least once a week. These writing prompts are just some topics that may be in the form of questions. You just ask your kid to write something on the given writing prompt.

Your child may not write too much in the beginning but trust us practising this daily or on a continuous basis will help them write cohesively.

Benefits of fun writing prompt for class 2

Why should you give writing prompts to your kids? Well, there are multiple reasons for doing so. Few of them are listed below:

  • Allow kids to think creatively

It is very important for kids to open their horizons. Writing prompts force them to think hard before writing. Some of the prompts allow them to get back to a certain memory. This helps in the sharpening of the mind as well.

  • Open the stream of thoughts

Once a kid starts writing on a prompt, it opens their stream of thoughts. Even though they may not know what to write first, when they start writing eventually, it helps them get ideas instantly.

  • Develop language skills

Above all, it helps them work on their language skills. They are able to enhance their writing skills, English language skills, communication skills and much more.

  • Helps them organize their thoughts

Writing prompts allows them to think deeply. This helps in getting their thoughts organized. Kids also become more aware of their emotions through the process. They are also able to express themselves better.

  • Allow them to think clearly

Also, allowing them to write on such prompts will eventually help them think clearly. They may be able to write only 2 sentences in the beginning. This will slowly change as the prompts are practised on a daily basis.

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Convinced? If yes, here are some interesting and easy fun writing prompts for Grade 2 students. Try these out!

  1. What was the highlight of your day today?

  2. How do you feel and what did you see when you went on a walk today?

  3. Why would you like to have a pet? How should the pet be?

  4. What are you most curious about today? Would you like to question something?

  5. Write about your daily chores’ routine. How do you do them?

  6. Write about the most memorable moment of your last vacation?

  7. How would you like to spend your holiday?

  8. Write something about the last dream you remember? Was it good?

  9. How would you describe yourself in five words and why?

  10. What is your favourite subject and why?

  11. Who is your favourite person and why?

  12. Write something about your best friend/friends.

  13. Explain your experience when you went shopping. What did you buy?

  14. Do you have a wish of any type? What is it?

  15. Write about your favourite festival. How did you enjoy it?

  1. Write about your experience of attending a marriage ceremony.

  2. What would you like to say to a fan that can hear?

  3. How will you cheer someone up who is sad?

  4. What is your favourite outfit and why?

  5. What will you like to wear tomorrow and why?

  6. What do you think, how is your favourite dish cooked?

  7. Describe a fun birthday party.

  8. What do you aspire to become when you grow ?

  9. Talk about your favourite sport and why you enjoy playing it.

  10. Share an incident when you were kind to someone.

  11. Which is your favourite travel destination and why?

  12. Write about something that you don’t like or annoys you.

  13. How will you deal with someone who bullies you in school?

  14. Share your most embarrassing experience.

  15. If you become an authoritative representative of your country for a day. What changes will you make?

Learn creative writing with amazing fun writing prompts at PlanetSpark. Book a FREE class NOW!


Want your 2nd grade kid to have a good grammatical command over the language and want to unleash the creative side of his/her mind! What are you waiting for? Without any further ado, start off by giving them writing prompts. Writing prompts are a great way to help integrate a kid's imagination and creativity into writing practice. It also provides them with confidence to openly share their thoughts on different topics and allows them to think clearly.    

For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. Why should we use fun writing prompts for class 2 students?

The main purpose of using fun writing prompts is to help kids enhance their writing and grammar skills. They are designed to integrate kid’s imagination and creativity into writing practice. 

  1. How to make a fun writing prompt topic for grade 2 students?

While making a fun writing prompt topic for grade 2 kids, create a topic that kids can relate to, the topics should be according to their grade level so that they can confidently share their views and the topic should be simple and easy to comprehend.

  1. How do you write a prompt?

To write a prompt, create a quick layout with the heading, the introduction about the topic, key points to support your response and end with concluding thoughts.

  1. What are the examples of fun writing prompts?

Relive a funny childhood memory, the song that inspires you, what you want to be when you grow up, and if you were a pet are some of the examples of fun writing prompts for grade 2.

  1. How to start off a story?

While writing a fictional prompt or writing a story, start off with a catchy dialogue/statement or ask a question, describe the setting so that readers can imagine and feel it, and provide the reader with a background story to keep them interested in your prompt or story.

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