The art of Public Speaking

Sat, 13 Feb, 2021

4 benefits of English Reading Comprehension class for Preschool students!

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Why It Is Important To Learn Reading For Preschool Students

Reading is one of the best habits that kids can inculcate from a young age. Kids are incredibly fast learners and can grasp concepts and pick up habits with the right start. Reading skills are extremely important for excelling not only in school, but can also be majorly advantageous at work, and life as a whole. Children can easily develop the habit of reading if they develop an interest in books and enrolling them into an English Reading course for preschool can be really helpful. Parents can also help out in the basic reading training for preschoolers by reading aloud to their children. 

English Reading Comprehension

Needless to say, a preschool Reading development class will help your child nurture their reading skills from a very young age starting from preschool. Reading habits can greatly help kids with creative and rational thinking because it unlocks their potential for understanding, analysing, learning and even asking questions. This habit is a core skill and is a must-have to help build a strong foundation as well as have a head start to the process of learning.

It is also an integral part of developing literacy and the ability to read and comprehend language. PlanetSpark’s Reading Online classes for preschool specializes in training children how to read. The ability to read is the basic fundamental of education and is an easy skill for preschoolers to master as parents can help them nurture them through various activities at home. Reading and language skills is indeed important in day to day life because just like air, water and food, it is a necessity to survive. Therefore, enrolling your kids into the best Reading Online classes for preschool is bound to help your child prosper in their education and also in life. 

 Book a FREE class NOW!

Why Reading Training For Preschoolers Is So Important

  • Considerable cognitive development: Cognitive development refers to the ability to think, remember, solve problems and make decisions, from childhood to adulthood. It helps kids evolve into much more mature individuals with the ability to perceive life via  information processing abilities, reasoning power, ability to understand and comprehend language, intelligence and memory. Reading aloud to kids will provide them with necessary knowledge about the world around them, helping them to make sense of everything they encounter with their senses. Children who have inculcate reading habits from a young age have shown improved cognitive skills and also cognitive  development.  

  • Language Development: Reading habits in preschoolers have shown significant development in their language skills from a very young age. It has been scientifically proven that reading has indeed resulted in brain activation in areas related to visual imagery and language development.

  • Development of literacy skills: Children who have been introduced to reading at an early age have shown considerable improvement in their ability to understand things happening around them. Apart from language acquisition and the ability to read, which are the core skills required for basic education, reading has helped kids develop the ability to think and ask questions. 

  • Vocabulary:  Reading activities help kids listen to new words every time they hear someone read or read to themselves. Reading will also help kids learn new words thereby enriching their vocabulary.

  • Creative imagination: Reading is an imagination-driven activity. It is through reading that kids develop the ability to mentally visualise everything they read in order to understand and comprehend the words they are hearing. The more they read, the more imaginative they become leading to developing more creative ideas and innovative ways to solve problems and approach situations in life. 

Practising reading is bound to help a child excel academically and develop social skills. If you are looking for a reliable preschool Reading development class, PlanetSpark has some of the best reading classes available. Book your free trial today!

Enrol your child now into PlanetSpark’s Reading training for preschoolers to help them develop a good reading habit for enhancing their vocabulary, literary and educational skills. 

Benefits Of Planetspark Classes For Kids

PlanetSpark seeks to provide children the best preschool Reading development class experience to help kids improve in their reading skills. Here are some prime reasons why you need to choose PlanetSpark’s english Reading course for preschool to help your child ease into the habit of reading from a very young age:-

  • Engaging Activities 

Activities that are both fun and educational ought to be a part of the learning process in order to give children a holistic experience of learning. PlanetSpark’s Reading Online classes for preschool also provides top notch learning experiences alongside fun-filled activities that help kids learn by having fun. Kids tend to learn faster if they are enjoying it. Reading training for preschoolers assures a guarantee of expert training to learn reading for preschool students. 

  • Course Curated By Experts

PlanetSpark’s Reading Online classes for preschool seeks to deliver premium quality training to kids of all ages including preschool.  These courses are carefully and professionally designed by experts in this field. PlanetSpark also ensures that the course trainers have the proper qualifications to teach this course. Most of the certified professionals in PlanetSpark have graduated  from top-tier institutions like Cambridge, Harvard, Teach for India, IIT and BITS. 

  • Encouraging Positivity

Along with skills, children should develop a healthy and positive attitude. Encouraging and positive affirmations to children when it comes to teaching them has in fact shown great results. PlanetSpark has the best Reading class for preschool that not only focuses on helping children develop reading habits, but also encourages kids with words and acts of positivity.

  • Innovative Opportunities For Learning

Reading is all about developing an innovative and creative thought process. To help establish this behaviour in children, PlanetSpark’s Reading Online classes for preschool has an innovative approach to teaching and training kids to develop a good reading habit. It is through these learning opportunities that kids learn to question, analyse and interpret life around them and even learn from the mistakes they make. It is through these activities that kids learn to solve problems with their critical thinking, and challenge themselves even further to reach the heights of success in their lives.

Curriculum Details

PlanetSpark’s curriculum for Reading Online classes for preschool has been specially curated by experts. This course does not seek to provide just a basic reading exercise for children, but seeks to transform your children into avid readers, draw inspiration from books, acquire knowledge and even develop certain skills to help nurture their habit as well. The programme also provides its own special storybooks focusing on the story of our original character called ‘Captain Spark’ on a planet named ‘Planet Spark’. The Curriculum includes the following:-

Book a FREE trial now with our best English Reading Comprehension class for preschool and start learning today!

Reading Activities & Worksheets For Kids

PlanetSpark’s English Reading course for preschool is packed with wholesome activities and helpful worksheets that come to the aid of children taking up this course. PlanetSpark’s English Reading course for preschool is packed with wholesome activities and helpful worksheets that come to the aid of children taking up this course. SOme of the activities include the following:-

  • Inferring main events and character traits in a story

  • Sequencing events using Transition words

  • Writing about experiences or to describe things

  • Finding information effectively from different genres 

  • Comparing texts to comprehend better

  • Writing to persuade/convince the audience or describing experiences. 

  • Story elements and how to put them in the structure of a story

  • Points of view of characters

  • Drafting, editing and reviewing own write-ups

  • Structuring and writing fact-based, experience-based pieces

The activities and worksheets aim to help your child with the following:-

  • Organising and structuring ideas

  • Making inferences by using logical thinking

  • Presenting thoughts in a coherent manner

  • Appreciation of Textbook Content

  • Tackling different genres effectively

  • Fluency in Reading and Writing

  • Summarise

  • Paraphrase

  • Compare texts

  • Improved academics

  • Taking different perspectives and supplying reasons for the same

  • Decoding essence of texts

  • Writing to persuade or explain by using opinions and facts.

  • Decoding essence of texts

  • Writing to persuade or explain by using opinions and facts. 

Parent Approved Testimonials About PlanetSpark

  • “We enrolled our son Liam into the communication skills program to improve his speaking skills. Within just a few weeks we are already seeing an improvement in him. As parents, we are very satisfied with the PlanetSpark classes.”

Mrs Daisy Fetch

Mother of Liam Fetch

United States Of America

  • “I enrolled my Noah in Planetspark Public Speaking classes, their teaching staff is really good, they make every session fun, they always come up with new activities.

Noah had been really enjoying the Planetspark events.”

Mrs Emma Thobe

Mother of Noah

United Kingdom

  • “PlanetSpark not only helps in conceptual learning but also helps kids to understand the ‘why’ behind the concepts.”

Vinita Tripathi



For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. How do I teach my preschooler to read?

Teaching a young child can be fairly easy if you involve them in any fun reading activity. This can even be achieved by reading a book to them aloud in the night before bedtime. Kids are incredibly fast learners, and once they start having fun with the activity, they are bound to turn it into a habit. 

  1. How do I teach my preschooler English?

Helping your child learn how to read or develop a reading habit is said to be the best way to learn a language. When kids read aloud, or are read to, they hear every word that gets registered in their brains. This will help them learn words and even new words. This can be of great help to kids learning any language. 

  1. How can I teach my child to read and write English?

Children develop habits and learn things from a very young age. They are much more perceptive and sensitive and a Reading course can easily help them read and write in English. Reading helps kids comprehend the language and this can easily help them learn the language as well. 

  1. Which course is best for children?

PlanetSpark’s reading Online classes for preschool are undeniably one of the best courses you can enrol your child in because it specialises in helping kids in their journey to literacy and cognitive development. These are the core skills one needs in order to become a bright and intelligent individual. 

  1. How can I practice reading English?

Practice makes a man perfect. In order to perfect your English reading skills, make sure you find time to read every day. Start from the very basics and then move on to more challenging books or reading material.

  1. How can I introduce reading to preschoolers?

Reading can be introduced to preschoolers by reading to them before bedtime or also by engaging them in fun reading activities in their day to day lives. 

  1. What are some good questions about reading?

Some good questions to ask about reading are as follows:-

  • What book to read?

  • What is it about?

  • How is it relevant if it is?

  • What kind of characters are in the book?

  1. What are the teaching methods for reading?

There are many methods to teach reading. The following four are the most common methods:-

  • The phonics method

  • The context support method

  • The language experience approach

  • The whole-word approach

  1. Why is teaching reading important for learning English?

Reading helps kids hear sentences, sentence structures and how they are formed. It also introduces them to new words and vocabulary that are integral in their language learning process. 

  1. What are the three important reading strategies?

The three most important reading strategies include:-

  • Scanning

  • Skimming

  • Reading for Detail

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