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Mon, 28 Mar, 2022

4 Benefits of PlanetSpark’s Creativity Master Classes for Class 1 Children!

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About Creativity Master Classes For Class 1 Children

A little girl playing with colors

Young kids benefit from learning about art via creativity master course for class 1 children. Unlock your child's potential with the Creativity Master classes for class 1 children by PlanetSpark. Explore the top 4 benefits for Class 1 kids. Enhance creativity today!

They have a natural curiosity for learning and like experimenting with different colors, textures, and painting instruments. 

When working with non-toxic, child-safe art materials, toddlers can get messy by scribbling with markers and crayons, painting with sponges, brushes, and other tools, squeezing safe modeling materials, cutting all types of paper products with safety scissors, gluing materials together to create something new, and playing with shapes and patterns. These kinds of exercises aid in the development of fine motor skills as well as cognitive capacities in toddlers. 

Trainers who deal with toddlers have undergone extensive training to guarantee that only the finest techniques are used in the creative master classes for class 1 children. 

As a result, kids are able to have a very enjoyable and educational experience. Our teachers also assist parents to feel empowered to nurture their kids, while not limiting the all-important process of active discovery education.

Our teachers employ a lot of questions in their creativity master classes for class 1 children since language development is very vital. Art is a fantastic method for kids to express themselves while their verbal skills are still developing. It aids kids in expressing themselves verbally and nonverbally. 

Sign up to book a FREE trial today for the creativity master class for Class 1 kids! 

Benefits Of Planetspark Creativity Master Classes For Class 1 Children

Since kids are best able to express themselves via art at an early age, creativity master course for class 1 children is a vital part of any child's life. This kind of creativity may be fostered by enrolling your kids in creativity master classes for class 1 kids, which will assist them to become more flexible and enthusiastic learners. 

For parents who are undecided about enrolling their kids in an art class, these are the 10 most important advantages:

  1. Encourages Self-Control

Kids in creativity master course for class 1 children are expected to maintain a level of self-discipline in order to study and create art. To improve, kids must pay attention to the teacher, learn the technique, follow directions, and accept constructive criticism. 

In the same way that academic lessons emphasize practice, so do creative courses. kids must put in the time and effort to learn their skills, even if it means taking time away from class to practice.

  1. Improves Patience And Concentration

The attention span of the average 5-years-old is quite short. 10-minute attention spans are typical for kids ages 5 to 6 years old. A child's ability to concentrate may be improved by engaging in creativity master classes for class 1 children, which can also help them learn patience and attention.

Drawing is frequently the first step in developing effective study habits because it requires a lot of concentration. Allowing your kid to sketch for a period of time each day will help build his or her capacity to focus on many things at once. It's great if they practice drawing for brief amounts of time on a regular basis. 

Kids benefit from creativity master classes for class 1 chilren because they have a designated time to work on their craft. In addition, they will have access to all of the resources they need to fulfill their creative potential.

  1. Improves the ability to communicate

For kids who are unable to express themselves verbally, creativity provides an outlet. Emotional needs may be difficult for kids, even those with excellent language. As a result, kids' emotional intelligence may be creatively developed via drawing. 

Even if their artwork is only understood by the kid at the time, putting colored pencils on paper provides kids with an additional way of communicating.

When a youngster is able to give further context, their drawings may provide insight into their feelings. Play therapy activities such as sketching allow kids with impairments and/or language challenges to engage. 

Not to mention the fact that creativity master classes for class 1 children might assist persons with communication difficulties. They use art to say what they can't express with words. As an added benefit, drawing is a common therapeutic tool.

  1. Boosts Self-Reliance

A child's ability to be self-reliant and interested is enhanced when they participate in creativity master classes for class 1 children. The materials, method, and goal of the student's creation are entirely within their hands. When kids take ownership of a project, they learn how to care for the materials and how to put them away on their own. As a result, kids will be more self-sufficient both at school and at home, as they will be able to think for themselves throughout class time.

Book a FREE class NOW to get the amazing benefits of PlanetSpark’s creativity master course for class 1 children today!

Curriculum Details For Class 1 Children Creativity Master Training 

A kid mastering creativity

For a classroom to be effective, creativity is required. The term "creative" is frequently misunderstood to refer just to the arts. However, being artistic is only a minor part of the creative process. Our curriculum for class 1 children creativity master training tap into establishing different life skills in formative years. Let’s have a look at the key aspects of curriculum:

  1. Regulation of emotional behaviour

  • Responding to emotional cues

  • Relationship with adults

  • Making friends

  • Solving group problems

  1. Language skills

  • Follows directions

  • Expanding expressive vocabulary

  • Social rules of language

  • Conventional grammar

  1. Cognitive abilities

  • Problem-solving 

  • Organisation skills

  • Symbolic representations

  • Sociodramatic play

  1. Creative writing skills

  1. Active listening

  1. Reading comprehension

English Creativity Masterclass Classes For Class 1 Children Activities & Worksheets 

  1. Fill in the blanks with bright emus

With this colorful emu activity, your first graders will use felt tip markers on a white backdrop to draw eyes and a mouth for your emu. The lines that extend outward will be drawn using oil pastels by the kids. You may also download an emu printable to give to your kids for assistance.

  1. Watercolor mixing

kids will have the opportunity to explore with watercolor paint in this activity. Their color mixing skills will be put to the test as they attempt to recreate the distinct colors of dawn or sunset. They will learn about the many aspects of color by using a warm and cool color palette.

  1. Clay modelling

The fine motor skills that the kids will develop while manipulating clay to create beautiful models will be enhanced. If your young learner is struggling with the small details, you may help them out by modeling for them.

  1. Puppet Show

You may use an old stocking to make a puppet. Add eyes and hair by sewing or glueing on buttons. Dress up a hand-sized paper bag or envelope that you or your kid can hold. Representing examples, make puppets for happiness, rage, disappointment, and envy. You can narrate different stories to your kids with the help of these puppets. 

  1. Pictionary 

For children, Pictionary is a terrific way to improve their communication, inventiveness, and cooperation abilities. Playing this game might help students feel more at ease in unfamiliar settings on their first day of school. 

Want your child to master creativity at an early age? Book a FREE class NOW with PlanetSpark’s creativity master course and start their journey today!

Why Creativity Master Classes is Important For Kids' Education 

A kid playing with colors

Have you ever questioned why creativity is so crucial for a child's growth and development? And for kids between the ages of three and eight, scientists believe that creative exposure is the most vital technique to aid in their growth and development. 

That is why it is taught in such large quantities in kindergarten and primary schools. Kids like doing arts and crafts, and it is crucial that they have opportunities to do so both at school and at home. 

We have listed the importance of creativity master Class for class 1 kids, so let’s check out! 

Importance Of Creativity Master Class For Class 1 Kids

It is common practice to assume that arts and crafts are a given in the school curriculum since they are a requirement for kids and young kids in a formal education setting. However, during the last few years, with advancing career competition, creative classes are often brushed to the side. 


There is no denying that arts and crafts are enjoyable activities for kids to participate in. The creative activities that kids may participate in to increase their interest and develop their creative potential include anything from coloring with crayons to creating small sculptures out of clay to folding paper to produce beautiful origami to designing a homemade birthday card.

You will be investing in the development of kids' cognitive, physical, and social skills by exposing them to creativity master classes for class 1 children. The following are some of the advantages of enrolling your kids into creativity master classes for class 1 children:

  1. Advantages in terms of physical health

  • Development of motor skills

Because the majority of arts and crafts activities require the use of fingers and hands, they are beneficial in the development of fine motor skills. Simple activities such as painting with a paintbrush or coloring with pencils serve to strengthen muscles and enhance their control and coordination.

  • Dexterity improvement

The dexterity and agility of the kids may be improved via arts and crafts activities. With the development of fine motor skills and a lot of practice, a child's physical dexterity, creative abilities, and speed will all improve at the same time.

  • Development of hand-eye coordination

Participating in arts and crafts activities from a young age results in a significant increase in hand-eye coordination as the child becomes older and more experienced. This will be beneficial to a youngster throughout the latter elementary school years when she or he is spacing out words or making letter combinations.

  1. Social Advantages

  • Acquire an understanding of art and culture

Kids learn to respect and appreciate objects and pictures from a variety of cultures and historical periods via the use of arts and crafts. The skills they have gained via experience in design, art, and crafts help them to critically evaluate their own and other people's work. Designers and artists learn to behave and think in a way that is clever and creative, and they learn to operate in this manner. 

They also learn about the importance of heritage preservation via the medium of art. Much of the knowledge we have today about humans who lived millions of years ago comes simply from artifacts discovered thousands of years ago.

  • Increases self-expression

Kids have the chance to express themselves in a positive, concrete, and meaningful manner when they are involved in creative endeavors such as music, theatre, and crafts. They also learn how to design their own pieces of artwork.

  • Aids socialisation

As a result of participating in art class with other kids, kids get the opportunity to engage with others while having mutual interests. The creative process also helps to enhance the link between parents and kids.

  • Increases self-assurance

Creativity master classes for class 1 kids help them to develop a feeling of accomplishment and pride, which in turn helps to increase their self-confidence.

  1. Advantages in terms of cognition

  • Increases the ability to think creatively

The ability for a youngster to create anything he or she chooses aids in the development of creativity.

  • Improving Decision-making skills

By confronting and resolving creative obstacles, a youngster will have the ability to make accurate and effective judgments. This assists in the development of a problem-solving mentality, which will be beneficial to them in the future.

  • Improves memory and visual learning abilities

By participating in creativity master classes for class 1 children, a youngster may learn about different colors and forms, as well as get more acquainted with diverse figures and patterns. Activities such as learning to play the guitar or designing jewelry, among others, need the imagery and retention of complicated designs in the mind. 

Head on over to the PlanetSpark website right now and check out multiple creative classes! 

PlanetSpark Creativity Master Skill For Class 1 Children Testimonials

  • I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for everything you have done for the kids during the creativity masterclass. Every week my kid proudly brought his artwork from class home, and he eagerly anticipated the next session. My kids had a fantastic time because you made it enjoyable, useful, and educational! Thank You PlanetSpark 

Aditi Rajamandani 


  • Let me tell you how much my kid has benefitted and liked your creativity masterclass after school. The work he's been bringing home from school is at an all-time high. For the first time in his life, he drew on his own without my prompting this morning, using crayons and paper. Fantastic!!! "I am very happy I chose your class for him!" 

Abhishek Mehra 


For more information, talk to our experts NOW! 


What is the age bracket for a child to enroll in PlanetSpark?

The online classes for the English creativity master class for Class 1 kids and other courses at PlanetSpark are for kids aged 4-14 years. Book your FREE Trial Creativity Master Class now! 

What are the top three advantages of attending a creativity master class for class 1?

Fine motor abilities, hand-eye coordination, problem-solving skills, lateral thinking, sophisticated analysis, and critical thinking skills are all improved via the practice of art. Furthermore, art education fosters creativity and encourages open-mindedness. Business executives have identified creativity as the most important leadership quality for the future. 

What are the advantages of formal art education?

Following are the advantages of creativity masterclass: 

  • Having a growth mindset is important.

  • Self-Confidence.

  • Cognition has been enhanced.

  • Communication.

  • Increasing one's understanding of one's own culture and self.

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