Writers Guild

Mon, 17 May, 2021

5 Benefits of PlanetSpark’s Email Writing Course for class 10 Kids!

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About Email Writing Course for Class 10 Kids

Email writing for class 10

College applications are only a couple of years away for your 15-16-year-old. Now is a great time to get your kid enrolled in an email writing course for class 10 kids with PlanetSpark! We include a comprehensive lesson plan on email writing. It involves teaching your child the etiquettes, salutations, and the appropriate language of email writing. Getting your kid enrolled in online training for email writing skill is one of the best decisions you can make for their future. 

Online communication is an integral part of our daily lives in the modern world. Be it workplace communication, academic applications and correspondence, or just letting your penpal know how you’re doing, we use email to communicate at almost every turn. Equip your child to be 21st century ready with PlanetSpark’s English Email Writing Course for Class 10 Kids. 

Benefits Of English Email Writing Course For Class 10 Kids

Written communication is part and parcel of correspondence in the modern world. Have you ever read an email copy of a brand and been impressed by the brevity, wit, and incisiveness of their message? Well, that’s a skill to be honed over time. Our online training for email writing skills will steer your child toward the right path. 

Email writing is a lifelong skill that will certainly help your child succeed in their professional and academic life. Online training for email writing skill is essential while applying to Higher Education and searching for jobs later in life. 

Emails can either be formal or informal. While informal emails don't come with a lot of restrictions, there's a certain structure and language to be followed to write a formal email.  PlanetSpark’s English email writing course for class 10 kids will take your child through the A to Z of email writing. 

  1. Live 1:1 Training Sessions to Learn Email Writing for Class 10

Our instructors will engage your child with 1:1 sessions that pique their curiosity and kindle their imagination. The sessions are designed to understand your child’s personality and learning path. This will help the instructors adapt their teaching methods and approach your child’s skill development in an effective manner. 

  1. Online Training for Email Writing Skill Crafted and Delivered by Experts

Getting to be a teacher with PlanetSpark is no small feat. Our instructors have excelled at PlanetSpark’s Aptitude Test (PSAT) which is taken by over a hundred thousand teachers worldwide. We also conduct rigorous training and make sure our instructors have at least 10 years of experience and a relevant master’s degree. 

Not only is the course delivered by expert instructors but also crafted by the best in the industry. Our experts are alumni from XLRI, Harvard, Teach for India, Google, etc. They have implemented scientific techniques and insights from child cognitive psychologists to design the best curriculum and teaching methods for your child. 

  1. Game-Based and Incisive Approach to Teaching

PlanetSpark’s Grade 10 email writing training is conducted with the latest technology. We make it a point to craft interactive games and activities to make the most of your child’s time with us. They will learn email writing for class 10 through board games, interactive brain teasers, flashcards, quizzes, etc. 

  1. Curriculum Aligned with School

At PlanetSpark’s 10th Grade Email Writing Classes we intend to lighten your child’s workload rather than add to it. Bearing this in mind, the curriculum is designed by aligning the school’s coursework with our Grade 10 email writing training. This not only stands to enhance your child’s school grades but also improves their overall writing skills. 

  1. STEPS methodology 

PlanetSpark’s homegrown and perfected teaching methodology, STEPS, is used for optimal learning. This technique stands for Spark, Think, Explain, Practice and Share. It's a gradual way of inculcating writing skills in your child so they can retain them for life. 

Get your kids primed for academic and professional email communication with PlanetSpark’s 10th Grade Email Writing Classes! Book now! 

Importance Of Grade 10 Email Writing Training

Email writing for class 10

  1. Sets The Stage For Professional Communication

There are times in professional life when one falls short of writing skills to communicate with colleagues and managers via emails. The structure and language involved in email writing are unlike any other form of writing. 

There are acronyms and short forms to know. There’s a format to be followed. PlanetSpark’s Email Writing Course for Class 10 will take your child through the nitty-gritty of email writing for a successful professional and academic life. 

  1. Aids In College Applications

College applications aren’t that far off for your 15-16-year-old child. Email Writing Course for Class 10 will certainly pay off while writing applications for sought-after colleges and standing apart from the crowd. This course will come in handy while writing letters and emails to professors and admission staff. 

  1. Enhances Written Communication Skills

Written communication skills are essential in the 21st century, where so much of our communication happens online. Enhancing and polishing your child’s writing skills is the need of the hour if you want them to be effective communicators. 

  1. Encourages Kids To Be Internet Savvy

Despite traditional wisdom, spending time online can be quite productive for your child. You just need to know how to spend this time acquiring crucial life skills. In an increasingly digital world, knowing how to navigate the web, research and online communication are important. 

  1. Several Academic Advantages

English Email Writing Course for Grade 10 certainly has several academic advantages. No need to write your kid’s emails anymore. Our course will teach them how to communicate formally and effectively with teachers and academic prospects. 

For more information, book a FREE class and talk to our experts NOW!


  1. What are the elements of an email?

The basic elements of an email are as below: 

  • Subject Line: Purpose of the email. 

  • Recipients: The person the email is intended for. “CC” and “BCC” functions involve adding other people to the email to whom it is to be sent.  

  • Salutation: How to address the recipient. You can address it as, “Dear Sir/Madam” if it’s a formal email or simply as, “Hi (name)” if it’s an informal email. 

  • Email Body: The content of the email must be short and crisp to hold the reader’s attention. Generally, one email deals with only one specific point or type of information. 

  • Closing: The email can be closed with, “Regards”, “Best”, “Best Wishes” etc. 

  • Signature: Most email clients like Gmail have an option to design and customize your email signature. 

  • Attachments: Any file you’d want to attach to the email. 

  1. Why is the email writing course for class 10 important?

This course will teach your child the importance of formal communication and aid them in their academic and professional life.

  1. What are the benefits of joining email writing class for my class 10 kids?

English Email Writing Course for Grade 10 Course can help your child with their college applications, academic communication and professional communication, and job search later in life. 

  1. What is the duration of the English email writing Course for grade 10?

This course is self-paced and generally lasts for a duration of 3 to 6 months. Please book a free trial with us or get in touch with our customer support for detailed information. 

  1. How to book a free trial for the English email writing Course for grade 10?

We would be thrilled to have your child on board. Please book a free trial for English email writing Course for grade 10 by clicking on the top right corner. 

  1. Does this course have long-term benefits? 

Of course! Online communication is part and parcel of the 21st-century lifestyle. PlanetSpark’s english email writing Course for grade 10 will teach your child how to write better academic and business emails. 

  1. My kid already spends a lot of time online. Will this course encourage them to waste time online? 

While we agree that not every moment spent online is productive, there are advantages to being internet savvy and learning how to research and communicate online. Our online training for email writing skills is designed to teach your child the specific skill set required to write better emails. 

  1. How is email writing different from other forms of writing?

Email writing is different because it’s a niche form of online communication. There’s a certain structure, language and jargon involved in writing an email. We suggest you get your kid to learn email writing for class 10 and assess the transformative changes in your child's written communication skills yourself. 

  1. How can I track my child’s progress? 

We recommend friendly familial interaction and catch-up sessions. Please communicate with your child directly and playfully test them on their newly acquired skills. We will also send you updates and you can track the detailed progress of the course on PlanetSpark’s learning app. 

  1. Is it possible to cancel admission to the email writing development Course for class 10?

We’d be sorry to see you go. If you’re sure about canceling, tuition fees paid in advance can be refunded to you on a pro-rata basis. In case you’re facing issues with us, please connect to our customer support. 

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