The art of Public Speaking

Wed, 25 Aug, 2021

6 Engaging Storytelling Activities for Class 9 Students to Develop Storytelling Skills!

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About Storytelling Class for Class 9th Kids

Stories are all around us. Starting from our childhood when our grannies and grandpas were our raconteurs who narrated the stories of wise fairies, noisy elves, clever foxes, witty rabbits, and more to our adulthood where we love listening to inspiring sagas of real people, checking Instagram stories, and so forth. For sure, love for stories never dies; rather is reinforced each time we come across some fantastic tale. This craving intensifies further when a storyteller narrates the fable, for the ability to relate to the theme and events gets easier, and thus, the audience enjoys more. Learn about 6 engaging activities of our course that will develop your child’s storytelling skills.

A young man reading stories and improving his storytelling skills

As Robert McKee, a Harvard Professor, puts it, "Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world." Fortunately, this great emotional and intellectual tool can be acquired by proper training through 9th class storytelling training online. This course will facilitate your child to learn storytelling skills by unveiling the rich world of stories from around the globe, such as Greek mythology, English tales, Chinese tales, Indian tales, Classic fables, and more. 

Not only will storytelling class near me for class 9 will expand their understanding of diverse cultures but it will also render a moving and vibrant personality to your child. Storytelling skill for class 9th students is solely not about narrating stories; rather, the course also focuses on encouraging kids to find a remarkable story filled with ideas and insights from the happenings that seem monotonous to others. 

Book a FREE class NOW!

Benefits of PlanetSpark Storytelling Classes for Class 9

The universe has no shortage of stories, but fantastic storytellers need to entertain and inspire people. PlanetSpark's storytelling classes for class 9 kids intend to equip your child with the ability to present a story before the masses, rough out a story to prepare for storytelling, learn effective storytelling techniques, and analyze the storytelling calibre of a story. Through interactive and enjoyable sessions of PlanetSpark's storytelling class for class 9th students, your child enters different worlds, experiences exceptional experiences, and emerges as a compelling, ingenious, and persuasive personality. 

Your child will manifest remarkable improvement in reading and language skills, attentiveness, self-confidence, self-esteem, and class participation by the end of the whole storytelling course. With PlanetSPark's best storytelling course for class 9, are you ready to prepare your child to know and tell tales to the world? Go ahead and give this worthwhile present to your child!

Your child will enjoy the following benefits of the course:

  1. Live, interactive storytelling classes

All the classes of PlanetSpark's Storytelling course are conducted through online platforms. Trainers connect with children face to face and instruct them, where they get immediate attention and personalized teaching. 

  1. Expert & experienced trainers

Trainers at PlanetSpark are qualified, specialized in their respective fields, and hold experience of 10 years. This promises the availability of the best guidance to your kids who hone their storytelling ability under their instruction. 

  1. Periodic assignments

Assignments are given to children so they may revise and reinforce what they have learned in the classes. Further, while checking the assignments, teachers get familiar with the progress of your child, who can then work on to work on their weak points. 

  1. Methodical revisions

Teachers revisit already-perused material to strengthen knowledge in the memory of children. This helps your kid to fortify information in the brain and toughen the skills further. Sessions of revision are paced scientifically to maximize the learning. 

  1. Expert-created storytelling program

The modules and curriculum of learning storytelling for class 9 courses are crafted by experts from Harvard & XLRI, one of the world's most recognized institutions. They are strategically designed to quicken learning of storytelling skills in children. 

Book a FREE class NOW with PlanetSpark and get the above mentioned benefits of our storytelling corse for your class 9 children!

Storytelling Course For Class 9 Kids Curriculum Details

The curriculum is a strategic plan that aims to expedite effective learning in kids. PlanetSpark's storytelling training near me focuses on building skills that enable persuasive speech, better communication, enhanced reading & comprehension skills, public speaking skills, and encouraging, creative, and logical thinking. 

The curriculum of the Storytelling Course for Class 9

  1. Covering renowned classics

The course covers a diverse gamut of classic tales and sagas such as Greek mythology, Chinese stories, Indian tales,  and American tales. These sections are covered in live sessions by expert trainers in easy-to-understand language. This helps your child to learn about different cultures and the world outside. 

  1. Introducing storytelling techniques

Stories fascinate people but only when told in that way. To become a tale-teller that exceptionally spellbinds audiences, one needs to have exceptional skills. Storytelling course for class 9 kids from PlanetSpark equips your child with that rare knowledge, which can take the career and life of your child to the next levels. 

  1. Learn expressions & narration skills

Storytelling is not about reading out a story; rather, it requires understanding the story's mood, perfect intonation, facial expressions, and body language. This is because, when listening to a raconteur, these non-verbal elements play a big role in swaying the audience. PlanetSpark storytelling skill for class 9 trainers supports and instructs your kids to gain mastery in them. 

  1. Acquire story-retelling abilities

You heard a story and want to narrate it to somebody else. Retelling requires observation, communication, and creative thinking skills to get that done and garner claps from the audience. Through exciting activities that children engage themselves in during PlanetSpark's Storytelling course, they procure all such abilities that forge a remarkable raconteur in your child. 

  1. Creating stories through fun prompts

Learning at PlanetSpark is largely gamified to ease the learning for children and even make it enjoyable for them. Storytelling course for class 9 children involves exciting worksheets and games like finish the story game, picture prompt games, and more. Neither your child will lose the fun nor waste his or her crucial years of learning. 

If you're looking for an online storytelling course for your class 9 child then PlanetSpark is the right platform for you. Book a FREE class NOW!

Storytelling Class for Class 9 Students Activities & Worksheets

Even ages would fall short if you take the cane, stern face, books, and whiteboard as your methods to teach your child the art of storytelling. Children are much more receptive to knowledge and learning when it is served to them in a fun way. Telling stories is a jolly job; why not add more fun to it!

Here's a perky list of engaging storytelling activities that you can busy your child in, and you may as well join!

  1. Pick a prompt from the storytelling prompts jar

You will need a jar and some pieces of paper where each slip has a random phrase or words scribbled on it, such as dog, cat, stars, princess, etc. Now kids will take turns and pick a slip each, and whatever they find on the paper, they need to fabricate a story around that word or phrase. 

If a kid runs into a wall and gets clueless on how to advance the story, you can pose questions like, how is your behaviour, what is their character like, where does your character go, what does the place appear like, and so forth. 

  1. Try paper finger puppets

You can follow a DIY tutorial and prepare some cool finger cone puppets, such as witches, princesses, trees, dwarves, elves, etc. When worn on the fingers, these paper puppets will act as characters of a story, and your kid has to craft and tell an interesting story on those characters. They will think fast and give voice to all the puppets, which will refine their imaginative and creative skills and communication abilities. 

  1. Get the toy box

Did you ever wonder if a toy box could do anything outside to entertain your child? Well, it can teach your kid the art of storytelling. That box cramped with jets, cars, dolls, bears, pandas, animals, etc., can bring in immense story ideas. They will be the characters, and your child will decide the hero, villain, heroine, special appearance, and common guy. Got all these props and stuff? Let the storytelling begin!

  1. Image prompt activities

We have an abundance of pictures and images everywhere, in magazines, newspapers, the internet, books, etc. Use them for some good. Ask your child to craft a story, taking hints from those random pictures. As your child strives to make proper connections between the images to fit them into a story, they develop cognitive, abstract, and imaginative thinking and communication skills. 

  1. Finish the story game

This group storytelling game won't fail to capture your child's interest. To play the game, you need to choose a random story starter piece on which children have to craft the stories. You would be surprised to notice the potential of kids, which can be further boosted tremendously by enrolling them in a grade 9 storytelling training course. 

  1. Storytelling using maps

To play this game, ask your child to etch a town map, real or imaginary. They can draw places like hospitals, restaurants, schools, gyms, etc., on the map. Now, once the map is ready, ask your child to narrate a day living in that imaginary town, about some famous personality living there, pirate looting ships, a story about helping people of the place, and more. The ideas are limitless!

 Learn the art of storytelling by booking a FREE class with PlanetSpark’s Storytelling course for class 9 students!

Importance of Storytelling Training for Class 9th Children

One would think, "Of all the things in the world, why should my kid learn storytelling?" Well, research published in the Fukushima Journal Of Medical Science will provide the best answer to your query. The study was done to peruse the effects of storytelling on kids' brains, where it was found to improve their vocabulary, polish their communication skills, enhance cognitive and imaginative abilities, and upgrade their emotional intelligence levels. Furthermore, storytelling is a powerful favorite tool of great leaders who resort to it to teach, inspire, and influence people. 

One of the reasons that this art is so crucial to kids is that it uplifts children's vocabulary. As they pick up new words when listening to or reading stories, they become more creative and articulate in their conversations. And the skill of communicating effectively, if you know, is one of the most sought skills in today's workforce and leaders. Furthermore, kids acquire listening skills. People often overlook the importance of listening and keep it above speaking abilities. However, one should know that you can't answer and speak effectively unless you lend your ears with focus to someone. 

If you have heard Aesop's fables, Panchatantra tales, or other stories in your childhood, you must be aware that clear morals run through them. This is beneficial in boosting virtues such as kindness, generosity, confidence, wisdom, honesty, and other meaningful lessons. 9th grade storytelling classes employ creative and fun ways to develop your kid's interest in storytelling and advance them further on this innovative path. While learning in these sessions, your child will enjoy the opportunities to live the gist of a professional storyteller. 

Each lesson is gamified, interactive, and fun, just like your child would love. PlanetSpark 9th grade storytelling classes prefer these methods to seize the attention and interest of your child without forcing them in any way. They learn and amuse themselves all along. 

We often narrate tales to kids. How about they read and tell their favorite story to everyone around? Well, it is indeed a great idea. But are they competent and eloquent enough to engage the audience and make that story even more fascinating? Not every kid has this knack inside; however, they do have the potential! 

And this is what PlanetSpark's 9th class storytelling training online course zeroes in on. They teach every child the skills and knowledge it takes to master the art of storytelling. Since storytelling is largely about capitalizing on language, understanding the audience and its emotions, engaging people, your child becomes unbeatable. 

H/ she bags excellent communication and interpersonal skills, advanced imaginative and observation skills, enhanced problem-solving abilities, and creative thinking. With these merits by the side of your kid, do you think your kid will ever stop growing? You shouldn't! 

Your child will become phenomenal in his or her thinking and ways and get to dream big. And PlanetSpark's storytelling for grade 9 is right here to help your child become that dreamer and go-getter!

 For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. What age groups do you teach?PlanetSpark Storytelling classes for class 9 accept enrollment of children falling in the age group of 4 to 14 years where they learn the skills under highly trained and experienced trainers. 

  2. What is PlaneSpark, and what do they do?

PlanetSpark is a platform that capitalizes on powerful technology to deliver courses like Public Speaking, Creative Writing, Grammar, English Communication, Vlogging, Phonics, Debating, and more to young students. It primarily relies on gamification, interactive and fun sessions to enable children to acquire and develop respective skills. 

  1. What is the total course duration and fees?

PlanetSpark courses fees typically lie at 13K INR to the highest at 39K INR. 

  1.  How will parents know if the child is progressing well?

By the end of the course, your child will pick up storytelling skills, which he or she will start to manifest in the academic, social, and personal spheres. You will be able to notice an improvement in their conversation skills, interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence, and better writing skills. 

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