The art of Public Speaking

Mon, 14 Jun, 2021

7 reasons to choose PlanetSpark for teaching the art of self introduction to your kids!

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Teaching your child to introduce themselves is one of your most crucial tasks as a parent. It is so because "talk about yourself" is the first question your child will face at any stage of his life. And a student who is unable to introduce themself is seen as underconfident. Throughout their career, your child will almost certainly encounter some individuals who will assist them in developing necessary abilities and advancing. A professional self-introduction in English for kids will help your child develop a favorable relationship with an interviewer, employer, or colleagues.

Your children will use the art of effective self-introductions for the rest of their lives while speaking about themselves. Children may feel ashamed or frightened if they cannot speak in a group. You can give your children confidence when meeting new people by teaching them simple introduction techniques. If you're confused about what should your child do to introduce themselves? Login to our website today and check our self-introduction in English for kids course. You can also BOOK a FREE Class with our Expert today!

You may make your child feel more at ease in social situations by giving them the ability to introduce themselves at a gathering. People will feel comfortable conversing with your kid. To put it differently, the aim of informing others and speaking about yourself is to allow them to come to know you. Here's a bonus: a solid introduction will make the listener think of you favorably and perceive you as a social person. There's no such thing as a terrible thing! Please continue to read more to know why you should motivate your child to learn to talk about themselves in English. You can also BOOK a FREE Class with our Expert today to discuss this in more detail.

Why is it important to teach a child how to introduce themselves in class?

Children may feel ashamed because they are afraid of saying or doing anything inappropriate in front of their class. Storytelling is one of the simplest steps that a child can adopt while speaking about themselves in class. It is one of the most powerful and attractive ways to talk about yourself. It is important as a parent to teach your child how to introduce themselves in class. Some students may feel under-confident while speaking in English. A way to overcome and improve your English is by speaking to yourself. Our courses will bring insight into ways to self-introduction in English for kids. All the tips for teaching kids the art of storytelling are a part of our courses' curriculum. Enroll now to learn more about self introduction.

You can give your children confidence when meeting new people by teaching them fundamental introduction skills. Practicing with your kid is the greatest approach to teaching them how to speak about themselves. But are you confident enough to guide your kid to make a lasting first impression in their class? Do not worry; PlanetSpark has a team of professional trainers teaching self-introduction in the presentation to kids. Our teachers help your kid in every area they struggle with, such as pronunciation or keeping eye contact, while also praising them for their abilities. After some practice in our online classes, your youngster will feel more at ease in a real-life setting. So BOOK a FREE Demo class right away!

Creative ways we use to teach self-introduction in English to kids

English is among the most used languages in the world. Having a stronghold on English will provide an effective way to develop kids from a very young age. Confidently speaking about yourself will provide kids with social and interpersonal skills. One of the ways to teach your kid to talk about yourself is to encourage them to read more. 

Self-introduction involves a lot more than just words. A child can give an impactful speech only if they know how to control their body language, hand gesture and eye movement. At PlanetSpark, our mentors use different activities to make your child master these physical traits. We arrange for intra-class presentations on introducing yourself using the art of storytelling. Other activities involve making a photo book introducing your peers and conducting games like 'The Name Game.' Such unique ways will increase creative thinking and strengthen your child's problem-solving abilities. Connect with us today to know more about our courses.

Personalized attention to every student to teach how to introduce yourself in class.

The courses on self-introduction in English for kids are designed creatively and customized as per the age and ability of the student. We always believe that every child is unique and has special needs and requirements while learning. We have structured our classes as to the ability and requirements of each kid. Every kid is given a personalized structure to speak about themselves in English during the class.

As the child learns, the level of speech to speak about yourself is also re-customized to make it age-appropriate and adequate for use in social and professional surroundings. Our tutors are trained to provide introductory speech examples for students during classes. We also arrange mock interviews with external panelists to practice their self-introduction speeches. After the interview, both the student and their mentor report on the student's performance to work on the loopholes together. So do not waste any time rethinking. Get your kid enrolled in a life-changing course today!

Seven reasons to choose PlanetSpark for tips to teach the kids the art of self-introduction

PlanetSpark provides your child with a personalized mentorship session to help them discover their shortcomings and work on them.

  1. All of our mentors have been trained to identify and understand your child's characteristics and assist them in developing a professional self-introduction.

  2. We also provide students with many introduction speech examples to make necessary changes to their speech in the future.

  3. We offer the option of doing online training sessions of self-introduction for kids. This allows your youngster to devote more time to preparation rather than travel to our centers.

  4. We give study materials so that they, too, may practice their "speaking about yourself" abilities and improve more quickly.

  5. We also guarantee that your child's development is evaluated regularly during the self-introduction training for kids in English so that you can observe the difference in their confidence.

  6. Because lectures may become tedious for students, we employ innovative ways and tools to help them enjoy the learning process.

So what are you waiting for? Register with us now!


  • How do you introduce yourself in speaking?

A perfect self-introduction speech for kids involves understanding the purpose of the speech and having adequate body language. PlanetSpark helps your kids master the art of talking about themselves in English.

  • How can I introduce myself?

Giving a self-introduction speech in a story attracts the listener's interest. It also ensures that the conversation does not come to a sudden halt. It is preferable to provide important information about oneself at the initial introduction rather than simply giving one's name.

  • Will my child get a public speech template to learn and recite?

At PlanetSpark, every child is personally mentored by their trainer to understand their weaknesses and get them resolved at the earliest. Our teachers help your child curate their self-introduction speech in English, which suits their traits. Want to interact with them? BOOK a FREE Class today!

  • What are good topics to talk about yourself?

A self-introduction in English for kids can include information about their hobbies, favorite cartoon characters, career goals, etc.

  • How can I write about myself for kids?

While writing a speech on talking about yourself for students, one must keep the content engaging. The content of the speech changes according to the surrounding. There cannot be a single speech for students of different age groups.  

  • How will my child's progress be tracked?

PlanetSpark's "how to introduce yourself in class" training curriculum includes monthly and quarterly assessments. These tests are conducted to examine your child's speech practice, writing abilities, hand gestures, and more. The parents are then given their child's progress report with a detailed analysis.

  • How do you start an introduction speech for kids?

An introduction speech for kids should ideally start with their name and age. Your child can then talk about his school, passion, career aspirants, and more. But talking about yourself is a lot more than just words. Connect with us today to know more!

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