Improve Your Child’s Expression Skills Through the Communication Skill Building Course for Class 1 students!

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About English Communication Skill Class For Grade 1 

Are you worried about your child’s communication skills development and how to improve them? 

To bring your thoughts at ease, the class 1 communication skill development course by PlanetSpark can help your child. 

This course consists of an interactive curriculum that is designed keeping in mind the learning process curve for a class 1 child. It will spark interest in their minds and bring a change in their manner of expression. 

The dedicated course of communication skill training for class 1 will bring a confident attitude to children aged 4-5 years. Our experts teach the best communication skills class for class 1 using online classes. There is no need to travel long distances. 

Upgrade your child's communication skills hassle-free! Book a FREE trial for our online class for Class 1 today, and say goodbye to Google searches for nearby classes.

In this course, PlanetSpark experts guide on how to learn communication skills for class 1 through 1 on 1 lectures and various activities. 

Here students are taught the various ways of expressing their thoughts by creating an interactive environment. Focus is put on communication skill training for class 1 and levelling up their expression style. Kids can learn better words and gather more knowledge about the various kinds of speech styles. 

It can help students learn how to deal with challenges. It trains their minds to get acquainted with a new speaking environment and deliver speeches without holding back. This course is also aimed at improving daily conversational skills. 

Benefits Of Class 1st Communication Skill Training Course By Planetspark (CTA)

For any child, the base of communication depends a lot on the type of environment he/she is exposed to. When your child learns how to communicate well, he/she develops a critical part of their personality. PlanetSpark offers the best online classes to develop communication skills. 

Claim your free trial NOW and discover what you've been missing out on!

A lot is dependent on how a person speaks during interviews, speeches on stage and when conversing over a random topic. The body language and manner of communication tell whether the communication is one-sided or two-sided. 

At planetSpark, our experts tutor students on how to connect with other students. As per notable observation, a child learns well when taught what he/she can do in a better way rather than pointing out the mistake. Our experts pay attention to these manners for tutoring children on how to develop communication skills for class 1st. 

Another benefit of availing PlanetSpark classes is that the curriculum is designed for a stepwise approach to learning. Kids can learn at their own pace and find activities filled with fun. This makes the task easier since children easily imbibe what they find fun. 

About Speech Courses For Kids

The element of speech is vital for clear communication. For effective public communication, the way you carry forward your conversation plays a crucial role. A good speaker knows when to pause, stop or simply breathe. It is as simple as that. 

When kids understand this, they will try to find better ways to use these pauses. Hence, this is how the growth of a child’s speech capability occurs. This is when proper guidance should be taken extremely seriously. 

Also, the elements of tone modulation, voice and pitch variations are taken into consideration. The speech course curriculum includes all elements related to the depth or hoarseness of voice, speed of speech and clear articulation of the words.  It also focuses on the topics of the 21st century helping the kids deal with challenges and on the spot speech anxiety. PlanetSpark provides kids of class 1 the guidance to express well in public. 

Book the free trial today to get the best experience! 

Benefits Of Speech Course For Kids 

The speech course for communication skills for 5-year-olds involves tutoring students on how to modulate their tone. Students are provided with topics and situations that can create confusion. Such situations help kids to develop a normal speed and keep a neutral tone in the most difficult conditions. 

At PlanetSpark, our experts conduct speaking tutorials where every kid learns some new ways of dealing with speech anxiety. There are many fun ways through which these tutorials are carried out. 

Curriculum Details (Duration And Price)

There are basically three merit certifications from which you may enrol your child. They are, 

  • Advanced certification (30 classes)

  • Pro-grad certification (60 classes)

  • Merit Certification (165 classes)

These courses are basically three levels of communication skills courses for preschoolers. 

The advanced course helps a child recognize the various forms of communication. It helps improve conversational skills in general. The pro-grad course is a notch higher; focuses on improving debating and using emotions while narrating events. 

The merit course is a voice tonality and speech improvement course. This helps in keeping a conversation interesting for a long duration.  

For every course, you’ll also get a one-time free trial. Avail your free trial today and take the first step towards a brighter future!

Communication Skills For Class 1 Activities & Worksheets 

Through the communication skills classes for 5-6-year-olds, PlanetSpark aims to improve expression skills in kids of class 1. For this, several fun activities are carried out during the communication skills online classes for class 1. 

These activities add new skills to kids' minds that help them communicate without any faltering or inconsistency. The curriculum is as below: 

  • Voice modulation 

For any effective communication, the changes in pace are as important as the subject being conversed. When done correctly, inflection techniques are a win-win for any conversation or speech. This makes it a vital element of this course. 

Make sure you remember, the presentation is as important as the subject. 

  • Daily conversational skills 

Public speaking is an etiquette that requires teaching. It involves tutoring them on how to hold a conversation without arguing. For class 1 kids, daily conversation skills form the base for public conversations such as speeches and group debates. These skills are as important parts of communication as formal interaction. 

  • Body language 

Remember that your kid will learn social interaction when he/she understands the basics. Tonality and pitch modulation form the elements of communication. What you speak should be in coordination with how you behave. A proper manner of speaking with aggressive body language does no good. 

  • Phrases and Proverbs 

Although not commonly used, the use of phrases and proverbs is effective for on-stage speaking. It also gives a strong look to your personality and improves the ability to hold a conversation. 

  • Active listening 

Listening is an important part of speaking well. When you hear right, you form clear opinions. So this element gives you an idea of being better prepared when going into group debates. 

  • Public speaking 

Public speaking may be hosting an event or making a presentation on-stage. A large number of people could make one nervous. 

To teach this skill, students are involved in group discussions with a focus on every student. They are guided at intervals on how to carry over their point. A large part of the debate could be won over by knowing the right pitch and the right timing to modulate the pitch. 

  • Story-telling 

Storytelling is the base of public speaking. Stories generate interest and attention in the audience for a long time. This part involves a good amount of practice rehearsing several topics with an aim to elongate them. However, keeping it to an interesting level is also important. This skill forms a base of effective communication. 

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