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Sun, 05 Sep, 2021

Ageing Cannot Be Reversed: A Guide to Navigating Life's Challenges

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Ageing Cannot Be Reversed:

All living beings have a limited lifespan. Over the years, humans have started to live longer. In the mid-90s, the average life expectancy of a person was a little over 50 years. 

We have added 20 years to our lifespan in less than a century. Ageing means getting old. Eventually, every one of us dies. So, is it possible to reverse the process of ageing? 

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What Is Ageing?

Ageing Cannot Be Reversed:

Different species live to different ages. Dogs live for around 12 years on average. Turtles are known to live up to 150 years. According to the United Nations, the average life expectancy of a human being is around 73 years.

 As we age, our cellular function deteriorates. This reflects in the slowing down of our brain and other bodily functions, leading to death. Ageing usually happens because of two reasons: intrinsic and extrinsic. 

While intrinsic factors are the ones we borrow from our parents through the transfer of genes, the environment we live in, and our habits make up the extrinsic factors. 

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What Is Reversing The Ageing Process?

As a species, we live longer compared to our ancestors. While this progress is remarkable, we haven’t come anywhere close to arresting the process of ageing. We have managed to slow down the process of ageing and have increased our lifespans. 

Reversing the ageing process would mean rejuvenating our brain and body right down to the cellular level for a younger and healthier life.

Can Ageing Be Reversed?

Ageing Cannot Be Reversed:

Tales of immortality have been a part of legends in different races and cultures. The quest to live indefinitely continues even today. There have been conflicting reports on whether we can reverse the ageing process

Some claim that experiments in a controlled environment have given hope of halting the process of ageing. Others disagree and believe that the life of a cell cannot be extended indefinitely.

 Latest studies have shown that we have started to live longer because of better nutrition and advances in medical science. But longevity based on cellular modification has met with failure.

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We can safely say that ageing as a process cannot be halted or reversed. At least for now. We should focus on continuing to bring down the rate of mortality in children. Infant mortality and child mortality rates in several countries snuff out lives at an early age. 

By providing people with better nutrition and timely health care, our lifespans will continue to increase, and our children will live longer than us.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is ageing?

Ageing is the process of growing old. It results in the slowing down of cellular functions and leads to deterioration in mental and physical appearance and functions.

  1. Which mammal lives the longest on earth?

Bowhead Whale, or the Arctic Whale, lives for an average of 200 years. It is the longest living mammal on earth.

  1. What is the average life expectancy of a human being?

As per the United Nations, the average lifespan of a human being (as per records in 2019) is 72.6 years.

  1. How has our longevity increased?

We live longer than our forefathers. Good nutrition, improvement in hygiene, and advances in medical care have increased our longevity.

  1. Can we become immortal?

Immortality means indefinite and continued living. Immortality has so far been an unfruitful quest. All living beings, including humans, eventually die.

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