
Sun, 16 May, 2021

Assault weapons: Examining the need for a ban to curb gun violence!

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Guns are synonymous with America. Ownership of a firearm is ingrained as a right in the second amendment to the US Constitution. This allows American citizens to bear arms so they can protect themselves. Unfortunately, America has witnessed a terrible increase in gun violence in the last few decades. Mass shootings, especially in schools, and first-degree murders have gone up substantially in the US. More than 100 school shootings have happened in America since 2018. Of these, 22 have been reported this year! Assault weapons were used to inflict fatal injuries on the unsuspecting victims. So the question is, should carrying assault weapons be illegal? Let’s find out.

What Are Assault Weapons?

Assault weapons have been consistently involved in most shootings in the US recently. The shooters have used these deadly weapons to kill and maim innocent children, people, and bystanders. 

Assault weapons are a class of deadly firearms that are usually semi-automatic. They have high capacity loads and can fire multiple rounds in one go. Their ability to inflict more damage in lesser time makes them deadlier than normal guns. For this reason, assault weapons have also been labelled as military-style or military-grade weapons. 

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Why Should Assault Weapons Be Made Illegal For Civilians?

The alarming rise in civilian use of assault weapons in the recent spate of shootings in America has triggered a debate on whether they should be banned for civilians. The answer is clear; yes, assault weapon occupation for civilians should be banned. The reasons are many and beneficial for the public. They’re as follows: 

  1. Banning assault weapons saves lives 

Research shows that preventing access to assault weapons can significantly help reduce mass shootings or bring down the casualties in such incidents. For example, a study has shown that three-fourths of the shooting deaths that occurred in the period taken into consideration could have been prevented with a ban on assault weapons. 

  1. People are in favour of a ban 

The people of America are in support of a ban on assault weapons. A poll conducted by Johns Hopkins University reported that almost 70 percent of the residents favoured a ban on military-style weapons capable of discharging more rounds. 

  1. Need for federal assault weapon ban

America had a Federal Assault Weapons Ban that expired in 2004. The law prohibited the sale and manufacture of assault weapons. Several organisations and lawmakers are pushing to restore the ban. 

  1. More states need to join the cause 

As of today, only 8 of the 50 states in America have a ban on the sale of assault weapons. More states need to come forward and make it illegal to own an assault weapon for civilians.

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  1. What are assault weapons?

Assault weapons are military-style semi-automatic weapons. These lethal weapons can fire multiple rounds and have more prominent magazines for increased firepower. 

  1. Do American citizens have the right to own guns?

The Second Amendment to the Constitution gives Americans the right to own a gun to defend themselves. 

  1. How many mass shootings have been reported in America in a year?

Almost two-dozen mass shootings have already been reported this year alone. In addition, there have been 114 school shootings since 2018. 

  1. Have any states banned the sale of military-grade weapons?

Seven US states out of fifty have placed a ban on assault rifles. 

  1. Is there any law to ban assault weapons? 

The US had a federal assault weapons ban that expired in 2004. The law prohibited the sale of assault weapons.  

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