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Mon, 20 Sep, 2021

Can your Class 7 kid solve these 3 worksheets on Nouns?

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Nouns are subjects or direct/indirect objects that describe a person, idea, thing, or place. All nouns can play the role of subject complement, appositive, object complement, or adjective. In other words, any name given to a person, animal, thing, or place, is called a noun.

Every sentence has a subject, which lets us know what the sentence is all about. Therefore, nouns are considered to be essential parts of a language.

You can get to know what exactly are nouns with the help of the example below:
















It is important to know the examples of nouns for class 7 for every student. Therefore, we have come up with this guide that will help you clear the concepts related to nouns. For better understanding, you can also BOOK a FREE Class with our Expert!

CBSE Class 7 English Nouns

Want to learn class 7 English nouns? Don't worry; we will make it easy for you to comprehend all types of nouns with the help of clear and straightforward examples. Let's dive in to know the different types of nouns:

1. Proper Noun

Proper nouns always start with a capital letter, which can be used to refer to an individual's name, place, or organization. Some of the examples of proper nouns include Kate (person/individual), London (place), Gucci shoes (thing), and Olympic games (events). 

2. Abstract Noun

Abstract noun illustrates the feelings, emotions, quality, or a concept/idea. These nouns primarily do not refer to a thing or material object that exists physically. Abstract noun examples include richness, happiness, fighting, excitement, puzzled, childhood, flight, etc.

3. Collective Noun

It is used for a collection of people or things. For instance, a bunch of flowers, a library of books, a stadium full of spectators, etc. 

4. Common Noun

A common noun is used to describe the names of people, things, or animals. For example;

A. People- Girls, women, grandfather, dad, salesperson, student, etc.

B. Things- curtains, crockery, furniture, pen, utensils, etc.

C. Animals- Dogs, Lion, Deer, Wolf, etc.

5. Singular Noun

A singular noun consists of only one person, thing, place, or animal. The example of singular nouns include:

  • A dog (Singular noun) was roaming in the backyard.

  • An Ice (Singular noun) tray

  • She/Rebekah (singular noun) is a talented girl

Note: Most singular nouns can be converted into plural nouns by simply adding 's' and 'es' at the end of a singular noun. For example, car (singular) can be written as cars (plural), match (singular) can be written as matches (plural), and so on.

However, the singular nouns ending with 'f' or 'fe' can be converted into a plural by adding 'ves' at the end. For example, half (singular) can be written as halves (plural), knife (singular) can be written as knives (plural), and so on. 

6. Plural Noun

Nouns describing more than one place, person, animal, or thing are known as Plural Nouns. For instance;

  • Boys (Plural noun) are playing cricket

  • Apples (Plural noun) are kept on the table.

  • Lions (Plural noun) keep on preying in the jungle. 

7. Countable Noun

Anything that can be counted in numbers can be described as Countable nouns. For example, bottles, balls, notebooks, candies, etc.

Note: Countable nouns can be singular or plural, both.

8. Uncountable Noun

Something that cannot be counted in numbers is called Uncountable noun. For instance, water, air, bread, milk, etc.

9. Masculine Noun

A noun indicating male gender, which could be a person's name, bird's name, or animal's name. Some examples of masculine nouns include Peter, son, husband, father, brother-in-law, nephew, king, etc.

10. Feminine Noun

The feminine noun refers to the female gender of a person, animal, or bird. For example, housewives, queens, daughters, nieces, etc.

11. Nominative Noun

When a noun is used as a subject of the verb, it is called a Nominative noun. You can check out some examples of Nominative nouns below, which will enhance your understanding of noun activities for class 7:

  • Sachin saw me. (Sachin is used as the subject for the verb ‘saw’)

  • Sourav lost his chain (Sourav is used as the subject for the verb ‘lost’)

  • Dog killed the poor cat (Dog is used as the subject for the verb 'killed')

12. Objective Noun

An objective noun is used as an 'object' of the verb. Some of the examples of Objective nouns are mentioned below:

  • An author wrote many books. (The word ‘books’ is the object of the verb ‘wrote’)

  • We made some cookies (The word ‘cookies’ is the object of the verb ‘made’)

  • Sahil lost his wallet (The word ‘wallet’ is the object of the verb ‘lost’)

13. Possessive Noun

A possessive noun refers to the possession or indication of something. An apostrophe mark indicates these nouns. Some of the examples that will help you understand the possessive noun are mentioned below:

  • This is Rahul’s (possessive noun) car.

  • Good hike in the employee’s (possessive noun) salary.

  • My dad’s (possessive noun) home. 

14. Concrete Noun

A concrete noun refers to something tangible that one can feel, touch, or see. Basically, all the concrete nouns are identifiable through one of the 5 senses. Some examples that will help you learn class 7 English nouns- Concrete, include a chair, automobile, or a house.  You can also understand with the help of these 2 sentences:

  • The chocolate milkshake tastes sweet and feels cold.

  • Desktop is made up of metal and plastic.

Need more help in understanding Nouns? BOOK a FREE Class with our PSAT Qualified Expert!

Noun Activities For Class 7

Worksheet- 1

Choose the noun in the sentence and tick on the right option.

Q1. They were walking across the valley.

a) They

b) Across

c) Walking

d) Valley.

Answer- Valley

Q2. I cannot rely on his honesty.

a) Rely

b) Cannot

c) Honesty

d) On

Answer- Honesty

Q3. His family does not support him at all.

a) His

b) Support

c) Family

d) all

Answer- Family

Q4. Taj Mahal is considered a sign of love.

a) Taj Mahal

b) sign

c)  love

d) Considered

Answer- Taj Mahal

Q5. How many students attended the session?

a) Many

b) How

c) Attended

d) Students

Answer- Students.


Select the correct noun amongst the given options and fill in the blank.

1. The dog is sitting on my _______ (lap/laps)

2. 2. There are nine _______ on the table. (Plate/plates)

3. 3. I have five_______ (book/books)

4. 4. They were riding their _______ (horse/horses)

5. 5. She owns a _______ (cat/cats)

6. 6. How many _______ you have in your box? (pencil/pencils)

7. 7. My dad got a brand new _______ (car/cars)

8. 8. There are two curtains in my_______ (room/rooms)

9. 9. Jimmy ate two_______. (apple/apples)

10. 10. I have one _______. (laptop/laptops)


1. Lap

2. Plates

3. Books

4. Horses

5. Cat

6. Pencils

7. Car

8. Room

9. Apples

10. Laptop.


In the sentences below, some nouns are countable, while others are uncountable. First, find the noun and mention what type it is.

1.  Jeremy got wheat and grains for himself.

2.  Honda is selling a number of motorcycles.

3.  The garden has various plants to trim.

4.  Cat drinks milk.

5.  The office boy strives hard to complete his work.

6.  I like eating desserts that are decorated well.

7.  You should never waste water.

8.  The papaya he got was raw.

9.  There are numerous methods for solving an equation.

10.  A stampede happened last year because of the excessive crowd.


1. Wheat and Grains- Uncountable (Material noun)

2. Motorcycles- Countable (Common noun)

3. Plants- Countable (Common noun)

4. Cat- Countable (Common noun)

Milk- Uncountable (Material noun)

5. Office Boy- Countable (Common noun)

Work- Uncountable

6. Sweets- Uncountable (Common noun)

7. Water- Uncountable (Material noun)

8. Papaya- Countable (Proper noun)

9. Numerous ways & Equation- Countable (Common noun)

10. Crowd- Countable (Collective noun).

Wrapping Up

Practice makes a man perfect. Simply cramming the data we provided might not be as effective as you may forget. So, using these learnings and practising them will never let you forget them.

We hope this guide has made it pretty easy for you to learn nouns for class 7.

Happy learning!


1. Is there a noun that describes both males and females?

Yes, we call it a Common Gender noun that denotes either male or female gender. Primarily, these nouns are used for both genders. Examples of these nouns include singer, artist, producer, children, animal, servant, dander, etc.

2. What is interesting about Proper nouns?

A proper noun always starts with a capital letter—for instance, Adam, Jennifer, Sydney, March, Tuesday, etc.

3. What are some important rules of nouns?

  • Some nouns are used as plural nouns and always tend to take a plural verb, even after those nouns are singular in meaning—for example, company, gentry, cattle, police, people, etc.

  • Some nouns always take a singular verb, such as machinery, business, mathematics, ethics, innings, fuel, etc.

  • Some nouns describe the object or subject's length, money, measurement, or weight. But, when a numeral is prefixed, they remain unchanged in form. For example, dozen, hundred, million, metre, pair, etc.

  • Some nouns always take a plural verb and are used in a plural form, including scissors, thanks, premises, spectacles, etc.

  • Some collective nouns are used in singular and plural forms, such as team, public, jury, orchestra, company, etc.

4. What is the Difference Between Countable and Uncountable Nouns?

Countable nouns can be counted, whereas uncountable nouns refer to things one cannot count/measure. Countable nouns have both singular and plural forms. However, uncountable nouns are used with a singular verb and usually do not have a plural form.

5. Are there any nouns with one meaning in singular and a completely different meaning in plural?

Some nouns have totally different meanings when converted from singular to plural or plural to singular form. Let's check some of those nouns:

1. Air = Atmosphere

Airs - proud

2. Good = wise

Goods- stuff/items 

3. Force = Strength

Forces= Army 

4. Work= Job

Works = Factories/Industries/Compositions

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