
Sun, 14 Feb, 2021

Debate Over Student Bullies Should be Expelled or Not!

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Role of Anti-Bullying Programs in Curbing Bullying

girl getting bullied at school

Many schools have conducted anti-bullying programs that significantly helped them reduce bullying perpetration by up to 20%. Some schools have also started persuading their students in morning speeches and giving reasons why bullying is immoral and what harsh actions will be taken against the students who are found guilty of bullying. 

Bullying Also Occurred in My School!

The same thing happened in our school when I was in 10th Grade. Many students in my class started bullying juniors. But I never got into such a thing. Instead, I always used to tell my classmates never to get involved in such unethical practices that can lead to severe conflict and, in the worst-case scenario, even suicide. 

Some of my friends and other students in my class tried to stop bullying by conducting an anti-bullying campaign that stated- Don’t stand by, Stand up, Stand Strong together. I was the first to raise my voice against this ruthless practice of bullying and make other students and teachers/faculty members consider taking brutal actions against those students who were found guilty of doing this. 

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Bullying Must Stop

kids laughing at their classmate

Majorly, bullying is a practice that consists of direct harsh behaviours that include taunting, hitting, stealing an item from victims, or threatening them that if they tell about being bullied to anyone, they would be hurt even more. 

In addition, victims are also picked on for their sexual identity, weight, skin complexion, accent, disability, height, or other natural things that humans have no control over. 

Every faculty knows that bullies have a negative impact on the victims, their bodies, and feelings. So, it must stop! 

School violence and bullying intimidate, shame, and coerce helplessness. The violators of the anti-bullying provision must be expelled immediately. To stop bullying in schools, the faculty of a majority of the schools have also set clear and enforceable strict rules and are rewarding the students with positive behaviours. 

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  1. Why is bullying a serious concern?

Bullying is a significant concern in most schools worldwide. It has been perceived that bullying can lead to suicide or violence that could go up to the extent of carrying weapons and physical fights. 

Moreover, students who bully the victims must not hurt other students’ feelings and sentiments or play with their emotions. 

  1. What is the significance of the Anti-Bullying Act?

The primary objective of the Anti-Bullying Act is to prevent bullying. It is a prevention strategy that can change social forms to a great extent. However, there is no specific legislation to deal with bullying at the school level in India.  

  1. How to stop bullying in schools?

Communication is a key to building rapport, engaging parents, monitoring hot spots, and clearing the scene when bullying occurs. Setting up some warning signs will also help. 

  1. Are schools effective in stopping bullying? 

All the schools could reduce bullying by 19-20% (circa) by conducting anti-bullying programs.  

  1. How to implement an anti-bullying policy?

Once the faculty has developed the program timeline, they must establish and train the Bullying Prevention Program Team and conduct bullying awareness training for school personnel and students. 

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