Grammar Fanatic

Thu, 06 May, 2021

Easiest ways to learn Prepositions for a class 2 kid!

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This post will discuss in detail the prepositions for class 2. The knowledge of prepositions will help position words for kids in a sentence. This chapter will help children learn class 2 English prepositions.

What Are Prepositions?

Prepositions are words in a sentence that connects a noun or a pronoun to the rest of the sentence. Prepositions are used before the noun or pronoun in a sentence to help build a relationship between words. The following exercises and explanations will cover 2 class English Prepositions in detail to help children learn online prepositions for class 2. 


1) I am playing in the park.

2) My books are on the table.

3) I am going to school.

In each of the sentences above, the words – in, on, and to are placed just before the nouns. This is done to build a relationship with the rest of the sentence.

1) in is connecting the verb “playing” and the noun “park”; telling us about the place you are playing.

2) on is showing us where the books are kept.

3) to is telling us the place you are going to.

  • Check Your Understanding

Let us do a few exercises better to understand the position of words for kids in a sentence.

  1. Use the prepositions on, in, under, in the following sentences:

1. The pencil fell _________ the table.

2. The man climbed _______ the coconut tree.

3. The letter was kept _____ the drawer.

4. She is sitting ______ a tree for shade.

5. Ram went ____  a vacation.

6. The money was kept ­­_____ the purse.


1. Under

2. On

3. In

4. Under

5. On

6. In

  1. Choose the correct prepositions:

1. The coffee mug is kept ­­­____ the table. On/under

2. I was standing ____the queue. In/on

3. The students came ___ the classroom. At/to

4. They rushed ____the playground. to/at

5. They escaped by jumping ______ the window. out of/beneath


1. On

2. In

3. To

4. To

5. Out of

These exercises have helped you learn class 2 English prepositions.  

The prepositions in the story are highlighted to understand their correct use better.

Hearing the idea of a race with the tortoise, the hare was much amused. He agreed to the idea just to have some fun. The fox, who had decided to judge the race, began marking the start and endpoint and fixed the distance.

The Fox flagged off the race. Both the hare and the tortoise started the race. Soon, the hare was out of sight, much ahead of the tortoise. The tortoise slowly but steadily kept moving towards the finishing line.

After reaching closer to the finishing line, just to have some fun, the hare decided to take a nap under a tree till the tortoise took its own time to get closer and catch up with him in the race. The hare slept under the tree while the tortoise slowly but steadily walked.

After some time, the tortoise passed the tree under which the hare was sleeping and kept moving closer to the finishing line. Meanwhile, the hare remained unaware of this and kept sleeping peacefully. When he woke up, the tortoise was almost at the finishing line. The hare ran the fastest, but still could not catch up with the tortoise. Finally, the tortoise won the race.

Types Of Prepositions

In prepositions for class 2, we will further learn about the types of prepositions.

Prepositions can help us understand the noun's time, place, and direction in a sentence.

  • Examples of prepositions of time:

1. The train arrived at 8.30 a.m.  

2. Rama reached school on time.

Here at and on refers to the time the actions were done. These are called the prepositions of time.

Some common prepositions of time are: at, on, from, for, in.

We use it to talk about an exact time.


School starts at 8.30 in the morning.

My train is scheduled at 10 at night.

We use on/from to talk about a particular hour/day and date.


My sister will come on Tuesday.

My exams start from tomorrow.

We use for to talk about a period.


I have been waiting here for 2 hours.

My performance will be for an hour.

We use in to talk about the time.


I jog in the morning

She travels in the summertime.

Examples of Prepositions of Place:

1. The river flows down the mountain.

2. Ravi poured water into the glass.

Here down and into refers to the place where the actions were done. These are called the prepositions of place.

Some common prepositions of place are: up, down, inside.

We use up/down to refer to an exact place where a thing or person is placed.


The cat sat up on the cupboard.

The man walks up the hill every day.

The stream flows down to meet the river.

The library is situated down on the first floor.

We use inside to refer to a place within an area.


The pillows are kept inside the cupboard.

The milk is kept inside the refrigerator.

  • Examples of prepositions of direction:

1. There is a narrow road between two ponds.

2. The girl walked towards the market.

Here between and towards refers to the direction in which the actions were done. These are called the prepositions of direction.

Some common prepositions of direction are: to, towards, into, through, across

We use to/towards to express movement towards a place or a goal.


My mother drives me to school every day.

We walked towards the tunnel along the railway track.

We use into to show movement towards the inside of something.


I fell into the swimming pool.

I ran into the crowd to find my friend.

We use through to show a movement from one side of an enclosed place to another.


The train went through the tunnel.

The water passed through the pipe.


We use across to show movement from one side of the open space to another.


My father helped me row the boat across the river.

We ran across the road.

These types of prepositions will help you understand their role in a sentence. You can also find many online worksheets on prepositions for class 2, which can further assist you to practice prepositions for class 2 

 Let’s practice:

Use correct prepositions from the box to fill the blanks:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

1. My mother was angry ______ me because I tried to lie.

2. My sister is perfect _____ singing.

3. Akram has no interest ________ video games.

4. My sister was happy ____me as I helped her with homework.

5. Vipul is good ____ history.

6. The baby smiled ____ me.

7. The little girl stopped and asked _____ an address.

8. One should always be kind _____ others

9. My brother is afraid _____ ghosts.

10. My sister took me ____ the market.


1. at

2. at

3. in

4. with

5. in

6. at

7. for

8. to

9. of

10. to

As we learned in this chapter, Prepositions are an essential part of every sentence. We need a little practice to learn class 2 English prepositions to build a stable foundation for English grammar. Want your child to practise from the best work sheets developed by Harvard Alumni? BOOK a FREE Class NOW!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What are prepositions?

Ans:  Prepositions are words in a sentence that connects a noun or a pronoun to the rest of the sentence.

Example: I am playing in the park.

 Here the word “in” is the proposition connecting the noun “park” with the rest of the sentence.

  1. Where do we find content for prepositions for class 2?

Ans: There are various sources where children can learn class 2 English prepositions, such as school textbooks and various websites offering content for online prepositions for class 2.     

  1. What are the types of prepositions?

Ans: Prepositions are of three types, namely the preposition of time, preposition of place, and preposition of direction. 

 4. How do prepositions help in constructing a sentence?

Ans: Prepositions help build a relation between the noun or pronoun and the rest of the sentence. It helps understand where/how/when an action is taking place.

  1. Which are the most commonly used prepositions?

Ans: The most commonly used prepositions are in, on, under, between, at, for, of, with, etc.

Prepositions are just the start! Learn the complete English Language in 60 days by enrolling in PlanetSpark Excellence Course! Book a FREE Class NOW!

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