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Wed, 22 Apr, 2020

Email Writing Class for Advance Children to Make Them Write Effective Email!

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About Email Writing Class For Advance

email writing

An email may not be flashy like social media or messengers, but it's a vital tool for kids for online communication. Boost your child's emailing skills with ourEmail writing class for Advanced children. Increase their communication effectiveness for a digital age success!

Email is a great way for your child to connect with teachers, friends, and family. With the increasing rate of remote learning, making students learn how to write a good email is more important than ever.

To cultivate this skill in your child, it is necessary to offer them the necessary guidance on this specified kind of technical writing. Your child should know in detail about emails' purpose, structure, and content. PlanetSpark provides the best email writing class for advance kids where it guides your child to send a relevant, perfect, and well-mannered email.

Email writing training for Advance at PlanetSpark makes your child learn relevant language and methods for writing, shaping, and checking emails incorrectly. Each module of the course has been designed in a way to assist your child in understanding everything properly and making use of the language.

English email writing course for advance children is designed for those who have already mastered some skills and are advanced as per their age. However, writing is one of the necessary life skills. So, nurture your child to write perfect emails that must be interpreted suitably and get outcomes with good email writing training for advanced kids.

PlanetSpark offers the best email writing course for advance children. So, hurry up and book a FREE class to know more!

What Basic Things Will Your Child Learn In Planet Spark's English Email Writing Course For Advance Kids?

  1. Clarity On Email Addresses

Email addresses are an important part of email communication. Your child will learn how to read and write email addresses correctly.

  1. Send And Receive Emails.

Your child will learn to send and receive emails in our email writing class for advanced children.

  1. Organizing Emails

Organizing email is one important thing. So we make your child an expert in organizing emails.

  1. Starting And Ending Email

We will teach your child how to start and end an email message in email writing training for advanced kids.

  1. Organizing Your Write-Ups

Our expert trainers will make your child learn how to write clear and easy emails.

  1. Proofreading

If your child makes spelling errors, it will make a bad impression. So we teach your child to learn how to avoid some of the common mistakes by proofreading.

  1. Email Etiquettes

There are certain fundamental rules to follow while writing an email. We teach your kids what to follow, write, and not to write during email writing.

Some of the common email etiquettes that your child should learn in our email writing course for 11-13 years old Children are

  • Kids learn how to write an email in a way that sounds professional

  • Kids learn about using the right punctuation and vocabulary

  • Kids learn to use standard formatting and fonts

  • Kids learn to use the right greeting

  • They learn the perfect way to draft a subject in an email

  • They learn how to maintain the right tone while writing an email

Book a FREE class for your child to know that our email writing course for 11-13 years old makes your child an expert email writer.

How Is PlanetSpark Email Writing Class For Advance Kids Unique?

email writing

Advance email writing training at PlanetSpark has been crafted by keeping in mind your child's abilities and requirements. However, even if your child is advanced and has mastered some of the skills, there are still certain things your child must know while writing an email. For this, your child needs a good platform and proper guidance.

Email writing is a necessary writing skill your child should know. Advance's English email writing course consists of highly engaging content, relevant tools and technology, and expert trainers to provide your child with several benefits.

  1. Live 1:1 Online Classes.

There is no alternative to personal supervision and training. We offer 1:1 online personalized classes for your child along with practical teaching classes so that your child imbibes maximum things.

  1. Course Curriculum Made By Experts

Experts from Harvard and XLRI prepare the course curriculum. As a result, all programs are unique and packed with all core concepts that have assisted experts in their own personal and professional lives.

  1. Skilled Trainers

The trainers for email writing for 13-year-olds at PlanetSpark are skilled professionals with a stronghold on email writing. All our trainers are PSAT qualified and undergo extensive training before they start teaching your child.

  1. Exclusive Course Content

The email writing course content is crafted to help your child boost their confidence in writing an email. They learn all rules, etiquette, and everything to impress the email receiver. It will help them in their present life and their future.

  1. Highly Engaging And Inventive Activities

Our best email writing class for advance kids is exciting, engaging, inventive, and interesting. With a lot of educational and entertaining projects, your child will learn everything in a fun way.

For more information, book a FREE class and talk to our experts NOW!


  1. What is email writing?

An email is one kind of digital message that someone sends to one or more recipients. It is sent through the internet.

  1. Is the email sending process easy?

Present-day email functions across the internet or within computer networks. Earlier times, email required both the sender and the receiver to remain online simultaneously. But nowadays, they are based on the store and forwarding model. 

Email servers accept, forward, carry, and store email messages. Neither users nor devices are needed to remain online nowadays, only they have to connect briefly, mainly to a mail server, till sending or receiving messages. 

It gives assurance of instant response, is cheap, and allows your child to send as many attachments as needed in the form of images, documents, or anything else.

  1. What is present in the header of an email?

The header of an email consists of the following things:

  • Date: The date and local time when the message was composed. It gets automatically filled up by the clients.

  • From: This contains the email address of the sender. It is also filled automatically by the client.

  • To: This will contain the email address of the receiver of the message.

  • Subject: This place is for a brief abstract of the message. Some abbreviations like "Re," meaning replying to the mail, and FW, meaning forwarding the mail, are included here.

  • Bcc: Blind carbon copy, which contains the address added to the receiver list.

  • Cc: Carbon copy that includes another receiver's email address, which some of the email clients mark differently in the receiver box.

  1. What is the importance of email?

Email allows you to effectively and efficiently distribute information about everything. Therefore, it is one of the best marketing tools as it can reach many people in less time.

  1. Why is email writing important?

Email allows companies to efficiently and effectively spread information about their products and services to existing customers and potential ones. It is one of the most effective marketing tools as it would be able to reach out to many potential customers due to the widely used emails.

  1. What are five important points a child should remember while writing a mail?

A child must know that a perfectly written email should have

  • Authencity as the grace of appearance starts with authenticity.

  • Constancy as nowadays, in order to get things done very quickly, children make use of mental shortcuts for those things that they used to do slowly.

  • Clearness

  • Empathy

  • Linking

  1. How can I enroll my child in an email writing class for advanced kids?

First, you can book a free trial class either on our website or contact us directly by phone.

  1. How will my child benefit by joining an email writing class at PlanetSpark?

Your child will learn to write perfect emails by following all rules and formats.

  1. Is email a vital mode of communication for children?

Yes, even if other modes of messaging like WhatsApp, Messenger, etc., are being used nowadays, nothing can replace the usage of email. It is one of the best ways to send professional messages. It is widely used everywhere, from schools to offices and other big organizations.

  1. What makes an email effective?

Effective emails always:

  • Focuses on the receiver

  • Awakens attention before they are opened

  • Have a kind tone and are respectful

  • Are crafted with perfect spelling and grammar

  • It makes the receiver feel good

  • Have a good CTA

  • Never leaves room for interpretation

  1. What are some of the vital parts of an email that a child should know?

  • Salutation: Always begin and end an email with a good salutation. Your child should start emails with some words like "Hi " or " dear."

  • Body: This is the place where your child tells the receiver what they want to say

  • Closing: Your child should end their emails with words like Thank You and regards

  • Postscript: If your child forgets something to mention, they can add it at the end.

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