Creating Confidence

Fri, 05 Mar, 2021

Enhance your child’s self-esteem with confidence building class for grade 3 students!

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Understanding How A Confidence Building Course For Class 3 Can Help Your Child Boost Their Morale

Morale or self-esteem in kids is crucial to shaping their future, as it is determined how much value they place on themselves. Self-confidence helps the kids feel good about their own selves, and deal with challenges, peer pressure, and responsibilities. Such skill in your child can help them feel more capable about themselves and be proud of their tasks.

While some kids can be generally comfortable and confident little angels with no hurdles in social tasks, there are others who find it troublesome. They are prone to underestimate themselves and are filled with self-doubt, and thus require special guidance. The key factor to nurturing a child’s confidence in both their teachers and parents. While it might feel like an intimidating task to complete at home, PlanetSpark’s confidence building course for class 3 can easily help you out.

As a parent, your contribution to boosting your child’s self-worth can be by encouraging and enrolling them in an online confidence-building course for class 3. Our class 3 confidence building development course looks forward to developing a growth mindset in your children and training young minds to take on fresh challenges. Such a course is designed to train students to confront their problems instead of running away from them.

Confidence training helps a child to gain academic success, reach their personal goals, hone their creative skills, and also reduce their social anxiety. Our confidence building class for grade 3 is curated to nurture your child’s confidence at an early age and help them be more secure about themselves. With PlanetSpark’s best confidence building class 3 for kids empower your child to be self-aware and develop a positive attitude in their life.

Our confidence building training for kids in class 3 helps students to better express themselves and easily overcome their life’s obstacles. Learn confidence building for class 3 children with us by simply searching PlanetSpark best confidence building class near me for class 3, and enroll your kids!

How Planetspark’s Confidence-Building Course For Class 3 Kids Can Bring The Best Confident Self Of Your Kid

There isn’t any child who is born possessing the feeling that they are distinct, or have self-worth. This sense is shaped, to a large extent, by their social interactions along with life experiences. Being confident can help your child achieve their goals, both academic and personal, and offers them the chance to try out new things. It is an essential life skill that will help your child overcome their mistake and try again. Such a skill needs to be nurtured, both at home and outside.

If you’re wondering about how to help your child become a bold speaker, especially in front of an audience, PlanetSpark can help you out. A skill can be perfected with nothing but practice, and at PlanetSpark we assure that your child can be a confident orator before facing the real world. The fun learning environment here makes sure that your child makes mistakes and learns from the same in a safe environment. With the student-oriented class 3th confidence-building classes, the young minds will learn to be assertive speakers in no time.

Learn confidence building for 3rd class kids with PlanetSpark, where your child can master the comprehensive skills of life in our fun learning environment. The benefits of PlanetSpark’s course aimed at confidence building for class 3th students are:

  • Innovative learning paired with fun activities

Learning can never be complete without any hands-on activity, and a child learns the best in a lively environment. Such an environment ensures that students are involved in learning both physically, as well as mentally and aids in developing a child’s creative thinking skills. At PlanetSpark every course on confidence-building classes for 14-15 year children involves learning in a fun environment, where the activities like debate or vlogging bring out the creative and confident side of your child.

  • Ensuring academic achievement

Healthy self-confidence is vital for students in order to hone their social skills and embrace their full potential both outside and inside their classrooms. A confident child has lesser tendencies to sulk over their mistakes, rather they explore new interests and subjects with an enthusiasm which has positive effects on their academic life. Our class 3th confidence-building training can help students achieve the same from an early age, where your kids learn on a one-to-one basis from our faculty of expert trainers.

  • A curriculum designed by industry experts

A good curriculum helps in standardising the learning goals of the students and successfully connects the students with their teachers. The curriculum on confidence-building courses for class 3 kids at PlanetSpark is designed by industry experts from Harvard, Cambridge, BITS, Teach for India, and IIT. Our curriculum is made unique with the touch of such amazing experts and is inspired by their real-life experiences on confidence-building and public speaking.

  • A safe learning environment

Mistake-driven learning opportunities are ideal for children because it nudges the learners to take risks, which they probably wouldn’t opt for otherwise. Such learning helps young minds train better in problem-solving and harness their skills of critical thinking. PlanetSpark offers its learners a safe environment dedicated to mistake-driven learning where failures are believed to be a stepping-stone for success. The classes are guided by our expert trainers who would encourage the students to learn from their mistakes and not shy away from them.

  • Developing a positive attitude

For a child, a positive attitude is a vital aspect towards their energetic, lively, and healthy lifestyle. A positive attitude contributes towards self-motivation development, which clears their path towards a successful career. Our confidence-building Course for class 3 nurtures such an attitude with the comprehensive curriculum aided by powerful technology under the guidance of dedicated PSAT or PlanetSpark Aptitude Test certified trainers.

Book a FREE trial at PlanetSpark to check how our confidence-building Course can help your child in growing!

Curriculum Details Of Confidence-Building Course For Class 3 Students

Self-confidence is all about owning up to one’s mistakes, embracing weaknesses, empowering one’s strengths, and having a positive outlook towards life. For kids, expressing their thoughts and feelings is an amazing way of showing self-confidence, and learning such a skill in the early years can neither be too early nor too late.

PlanetSpark’s confidence-building Course for class 3 is designed by industry experts with a student-oriented outlook. Keeping in mind the cognitive abilities of the children, this course offers a fun learning experience paired with innovative and fun activities.

Given below is an overview of our confidence building Training for grade 3:

Confidence Building Course For Class 3 Activities & Worksheets For Children

Any class 3rd confidence-building class can be the ideal choice to shape the personality of a child. However, outside the boundaries of a course, confidence-building activities can also help to amplify the self-esteem of the learners. The primary role models for any child are their parents, and home is another place where confidence can be nurtured. Here are a few confidence-building activities and worksheets for children that you can try:

  • Assigning chores

When kids are assigned chores that are suitable for their age, they get the message that the adults are putting their faith in them to complete something important. It gives them a sense of contribution to the work. You can assign them chores like putting away the dishes, or filling up water bottles, and once they’re done, offer them positive compliments.

  • Making a list of goals

In this activity, the adults can help the children to brainstorm ideas about their academic and personal goals. You can help them make a list of their strengths, which helps in empowering the child and boosting their morale. At PlanetSpark we believe in hands-on learning, where learning is made complete with creative activities.

  • Joining their games

When grown-ups offer to join children’s games, the message that the kids get is that they are valuable. Allow the child to choose the game or activity, and even lead it. When a child sees that their parents or instructors are enjoying their game, the child feels accomplished and confident.

  • Vlogging

Vlogging is another confidence-building activity for young minds, where the kids learn fluent speaking which sharpens both their self-confidence and public speaking skills. In this activity a child can prepare a vlog on their favorite subject, or toys. They can also take up certain fun challenges as their vlog topic, like dance moves or cooking. PlanetSpark offers a fun vlogging activity which helps the learners to be the best confident version of themselves.  

How Can Class 3 Confidence-Building Classes Help Your Children In The Future?

Confidence is simply believing in oneself, embracing one’s mistakes, weaknesses, overcoming fears, and focusing on one’s strengths. It is a skill that shapes your personality and sharpens your strengths.

Thus, the confidence-building course for class 3 can help your child in developing this skill from an early age, where they’ll learn to be a confident orator and how to face an audience without fear. Learning this vital skill with our confidence-building training for grade 3 is crucial because of the reasons mentioned below:

  • Learning from mistakes

As mentioned earlier, mistake-driven learning is always better for a child where they learn to take risks. A confident child learns from their failures and copes with their failure better. They learn to be proud of the things they are capable of which encourages them to give their best in every work they do.

  • Exploring new things

Confident kids never shy away from trying new things. This helps them to develop a growth mindset, and do better in every aspect of their life, be it personal, academic, social.

  • Standing up for themselves

Confident children cope better with peer pressure or bullying and know how to take a stand for themselves. Not only for their own sake, but a confident child will also influence others readily and be their best even under stress.

  • Less social anxiety

Children often shy away from interacting with others, and facing a crowd for them is simply a nightmare. But a confident child is comfortable in their own skin, interacts easily with others, and suffers from lesser social stress or anxiety.

Book a FREE trial at PlanetSpark to understand our confidence-building courses and register your child NOW! 

PlanetSpark Confidence-Building Class For Grade 3 Testimonials

  • “The English classes were really helpful to my child, Moksh. He describes PlanetSpark classes as 'cool' and likes his teacher very much.

Kudos! We're just so happy to see Moksh learn with such joy.”




  • “The modules are engaging and focus on conceptual learning. Classes are a learning experience for kids as well as enjoyable for them.”




  • “We enrolled our son Liam into the communication skills program to improve his speaking skills. Within just a few weeks we are already seeing an improvement in him. As parents, we are very satisfied with the PlanetSpark classes.”




  • “I enrolled my Noah in Planetspark Public Speaking classes, their teaching staff is really good, they make every session fun, they always come up with new activities.

Noah had been really enjoying the Planetspark events.”





  1. What is self-confidence?

Self-confidence is one’s attitude towards themselves, their skills, abilities, talents, fears, weaknesses, etc. It means one knows both their weaknesses and their strengths and has a positive outlook towards themselves.

  1. What are the 3 types of self-confidence?

The 3 types of self-confidence one can possess are:

  • Self-centered confidence, involving a lot of self-praise

  • Perfection-seeking confidence, where one focuses on activities they believe to be good at.

  • Faith-filled confidence, which depends on one’s underlying faith and is not influenced by outside scenarios.

  1. What is confidence building?

Confidence building is the practice of positive thinking and accepting one’s flaws. It comes from a feeling of wellness, awareness of one’s skills, experiences, and talent.

  1. What are confidence-building activities in class 3?

Some amazing activities to promote confidence-building for 14-15 year old kids are:

  • Creating a family jar of compliments

  • Making a win-list

  • Positive statement activities

  • Making a life goal list that your children would like to achieve

  • Games like dart throwing at their list of fears.

  1. What are 5 ways to improve self-esteem?

Some ways to boost confidence building for class 3th students are:

  • Elimination of self-criticism

  • Introducing self-compassion

  • Identifying their competencies

  • Using hopeful and positive statements

  • Relabeling negative or upsetting thoughts

  1. What is the importance of building self-confidence in class 3?

Importance of confidence-building for class 3th students are:

  • Makes the children feel valued

  • Makes kids feel capable

  • Helps them to learn from their mistakes

  • Encourages them to take on new challenges in life

  • Gives them the courage to stand up for own selves and others too

  1. How do you build confidence in a child's reading?

To build your kids’ reading confidence, offer them some alone time to read, where there isn’t any audience. Make them understand that struggling with words is not something to be ashamed of, by letting them observe that parents and teachers can have the same difficulty. To further encourage their reading confidence indulge them in innovative reading games.

  1. Why is confidence important in reading?

Reading confidence in children is a vital life skill, which helps to make them future-ready. When confident readers stumble upon a book not fitting their interests, instead of giving up they try to grasp the concept and move on. Thus, reading proficiency can help kids to achieve their academic goals, and overcome life’s hurdles.

  1. Where can I get a confidence-building course for class 3 kids?

You can opt for the confidence-building Course for class 3 students at PlanetSpark. This course takes place on an online platform and is curated by our experts to help your child be a confident individual.

  1. Are 1:1 training classes available at PlanetSpark?

Yes, at PlanetSpark one-on-one classes are offered to the learners.

  1. Is a free trial available for class 3th confidence building training?

Yes, at PlanetSpark you can book a FREE trial for a confidence-building course. So hurry and sign up today!

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