Creating Confidence

Sun, 01 Nov, 2020

Everything to know about the Personality development course for class 1 students!

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When thinking of personality development, class 1 children are not what we often picture. However, this section of our population stands to benefit the most from such personality development courses. In simple terms, personality development is essentially the traits we grow up and identify with. Personality development courses for class 1 children aim at the holistic development of the younger generation. It helps them understand who they are and develop skills that help them create their own identity. 

With children so young, we often forget that this is when they forge their personalities, and their experiences and learnings during this age impact their personality the most. Children in the 1st grade are already exposed to many people, including their families, teachers, and other children who study with them. Their daily interactions with other children and their teachers in school have a very strong impact on them. For some students, these factors may play a positive role while others do not. It becomes important to enrol them in a Personality development course for 1st grade, wherein they can learn how to face different situations, how to communicate and interact with other people, and how to respond to various scenarios.  

A Personality Development course for 1st-grade children is an effective way to process the various things going around them and learn how to best use them for personal growth. By building strong communication skills, these children also learn how to analyze what is being said and patiently form a relevant response for it. This develops a lot of confidence in the children, which is a very desirable personality trait. 

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Benefits Of PlanetSpark Classes

When looking for platforms offering personality development courses for 1st-grade children, PlanetSpark would stand out to all. This can be attributed to the fact that all courses offered by PlanetSpark are completely child-centric. This includes the curriculum and the teaching pedagogy, which is created in a manner that polishes your child's cognitive abilities while taking care of their emotional needs. While dealing with such small children, there is the need for compassionate teachers who can teach well and even create a nurturing environment for your child. 

PlanetSpark's personality development courses for 1st-grade children have been designed to promote and encourage children to discover their personalities. They do so by igniting curiosity in children, which is essential to teach anything to such small children. The personality development course for class 1 children offered by PlanetSpark is beneficial for various reasons, including: -

  • Interactive Classes

At PlanetSpark, the teachers believe in interactive learning as the best method of sparking curiosity. Interactive classes allow children to engage, talk and take more interest in learning than classes where they are only required to listen to what is being taught.  

  • Live 1 on 1 Class

A unique feature is PlanetSpark's live one-on-one classes. Live classes allow teachers to understand the child's needs in real-time and modify their teaching strategy accordingly. Children can ask all their questions directly, and the one-on-one aspect creates a safe space for them where they do not fear getting embarrassed in front of their peers. 

  • Specially designed curriculum

The curriculum used by PlanetSpark to teach a personality development course for class 1 has been specially designed by experienced professionals who have taught this course previously. The curriculum has been designed to cover every aspect of personality development. The course is not fixated on one thing but rather takes a holistic approach to personality development and covers multiple topics. This ensures that no aspect of a child's personality is left behind.

  • Personalized Learning

Personalized teaching is something not many platforms provide this course offer. Personalized teaching is when the teacher analyzes a child and creates a customized lesson plan. The teacher also uses special ways that perfectly fit every child's unique learning methods. Some children learn better through example, while others learn better with audiovisual aids. A personalized approach ensures that the most relevant procedures are used in teaching every child. 

Book a FREE demo session right now and leverage the benefits of the best [ersonality development course for class 1 kids. 

Curriculum Details

A personality development course for 1st-grade children includes several skills that impact a child's personality.

A personality development course for class 1 consists of the following topics: -

  • Communication skills: Communication skills are essential for children in class 1 as they are constantly exposed to many people. Possessing proper communication skills would allow them to make friends and be more active in class. 

  • Confidently speaking in public: Public speaking with confidence is an important part of the personality development course for class 1. This plays a major role in confidence-building, which is a desirable trait.

  • Time management skills: Time management is vital in today's fast-paced life. Therefore, a personality development course for class 1 that teaches children how to manage their time productively is beneficial.

  • Behaviour with other people: Treating other people in a good manner is essential, and children learn this trait by observing not only their parents but everyone around them. While you can't control others' behaviour, you can ensure that by enrolling your child in this course, they learn how to behave around other people properly.

Personality Development for Kindergarten Children Activities and Worksheets

A personality development course for grade 1 children is much more effective when learned through activity. Activities help them by providing practical experience in using what they have learned. 

PlanetSpark classes have been designed to promote practical learning for children. . Some of the most commonly used activities are: 

Storytelling: Weaving stories is something all children can do. Giving them a creative platform to use this skill and learn from it is just a matter of giving them a creative platform. The storytelling activity requires them to look at a picture and create a story sentence by sentence, thereby teaching them how to observe, analyze and put their thoughts into words.

Creating a speech: This activity is a great way of teaching children how to manage time and organize their thoughts quickly. Students are asked to craft a short speech and deliver it at the end of the set time limit in a given time frame. 

PlanetSpark creates games and activities, and even teachers can create their own games which they think are relevant to engage with the child. 

Importance Of Personality Development For Kindergarten Children

A personality development course for class 1 children is essential. Today, our personality plays a major role in showcasing who we are and why we are the perfect fit for any job. A person with a strong personality is more desirable than one who is shy or afraid. Building a strong personality requires combining various traits and characteristics. Time management skills, communication skills, public speaking skills, character, attitude, and response to stimulus are the factors that make up a person's personality. 

Seeing how many avenues having a strong personality can open up, the importance of personality development for class 1 cannot be diminished. In simpler terms, the personality development course for class 1 is important because it builds: -

  • Strong Communication Skills

Personality development for class 1 relies a lot on building strong communication skills. Every child must communicate ideas and express feelings effectively. As a child coming across various other people daily, strong communication skills would build strong relationships with other people. 

  • Confidence-building

Confidence is everything in today's world. It affects our whole personality as confident people are not afraid of taking risks, being made fun of, or trying new things. Those who try new things can develop a lot of hobbies and uncover a lot of talents. As such, personality development training for class 1 allows your child to explore many different things, which ultimately help build confidence. 

  • Improved Public Speaking Skills

The personality development course for class 1 kids is proven to be very helpful in improving their public speaking skills. Public speaking does not always mean debate competitions or long speeches. It can mean something as simple as giving a presentation in class. As such, it is extremely important because children are usually very hesitant and nervous about speaking in front of many people. However, these skills are very important now, and everyone at some point needs to speak in front of many people. Thus, a child who has taken a personality development course for class 1 knows how to communicate with people and speak confidently in front of crowds. 

For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. How do you teach a Class 1 child personality development?

Teaching personality development to a class 1 child entails teaching them about the various aspects of personality development, including how to behave in public, talk to people, communication skills, how to present ideas, and so on. 

  1. How can a Class 1 child develop a strong personality?

A class 1 child can develop a strong personality by learning how to control their actions and emotions and how to express their feelings most effectively. 

  1. What are the key points factors for the healthy personality development of a Class 1 child?

The key factors for the healthy personality development of a class 1 child include building confidence, improving communication skills, improving time management skills, and much more. 

  1. What are Class 1 personality development examples?

Class 1 personality development examples include controlling emotions, thinking before responding to any situation, and being confident in interacting with strangers. 

  1. How do you teach personality development to Class 1 students?

There are various aspects to personality development, and all of them are taught by different methods. Public speaking, for example, is taught by imparting knowledge about the topic and having them practice how to speak in public. 

  1. What is a personality development course for Class 1 kids?

The Personality Development course for Class 1 kids includes various things like working on their communication skills, time management skills, teaching them patience, public speaking with confidence, and much more.

  1. What is the size of an average batch?

There are no batches in PlanetSpark as all students are taught on a one-on-one basis. This ensures that the child gets the teacher's undivided attention. 

  1. What are the qualifications of the educators at PlanetSpark?

PlanetSpark only hires experienced experts and then ensures that they are qualified and meet PlanetSpark's standards. This is done through a series of interviews, pieces of training, and the PlanetSpark Aptitude Test (PSAT)

  1. Where do I get a free trial?

To get a FREE trial class, you simply need to visit the PlanetSpark website and click on the Book Free Trial button. Then you will need to fill in some details and wait for a teacher to get in touch with you. 

  1. How to improve personality development in 30 days?

This first step would be to identify what the child needs most help with. Developing vocabulary, improving grammar, or bettering sentence formation, reading, or anything else. Using methods like flashcards, sentence formation exercises, or other means can prove helpful in improving English personality development in 30 days.

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