Creating Confidence

Sat, 05 Feb, 2022

Everything you should know about Confidence Building Course for Class 9 Children!

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About confidence building for class 9 students

Have you ever noticed your child standing in one corner, watching all his peers from a distance? Willing to be a part of the fun but hesitating to do so? Or attempting to participate in a competition but not having the confidence to nominate? This behaviour is a concern for many parents, especially those of a 9th Grade child. One way to overcome this inhibition is by attending the Confidence Building Course for Class 9 children by PlanetSpark, which is very helpful in training the child to build confidence. 

Class 9 is a critical period for kids to develop positive self-esteem and faith in their talents and approach to life. Learning to be self-assured is one aspect of this. The confidence-building course for Grade 9 children assists students to gain skills that they may apply in college or on their professional journey later in life.

As a parent, you may be concerned about your kids' behaviour if they lack basic socializing skills. As teens build their social skills, they also build confidence, which ultimately reflects on their performance in school. This also means that they would lack the self-esteem to stand for themselves.

The importance of being self-confident becomes even more prominent once they get into Grade 9 because that is where the actual test of their resilience begins. With mounting social pressures to fit into a defined social structure, losing one's sense of self is easy. Thus, kids need to be more confident in terms of their academics and overall personality, as this is a crucial stage for them to decide on a career path.

Have you ever thought of enrolling your child in an Online Confidence Building Course for Class 9 children to help them get over this shortcoming?

If you feel your children find it challenging to gather the courage to mingle with other kids or take a stand for themselves, you need to think of enrolling them in the best online confidence-building class for grade 9 children near you.

The first step in building a child's confidence would be getting rid of old perceptions and notions. Find the issues that hold him back from being confident. However, this may not be very easy for a parent. This is where the confidence-building course for class 9 proves helpful. Such a course will help them understand themselves better and set a strong foundation of self-worth. We at PlanetSpark strongly believe that confidence is a skill that can be learned and practised over some time. Our expert teachers can train your child in the right direction after understanding your child's entire personality.

Online classes at PlanetSpark for grade 9 on confidence-building are designed to mould the child in the most appropriate direction for them to grow up into mature and confident adults.

To learn more about the course, you can book a FREE Trial Class for Confidence-Building right now!

Benefits Of Planetspark Online Confidence-Building Classes For Grade 9

Class 9 Confidence Building development course trains the child by practising self-esteem principles; they learn how to make healthy life choices, become emotionally independent, and acquire the confidence to meet challenges. 

Our exciting Personality Development program is based on a lot of research and study. PlanetSpark has served thousands of children worldwide by delivering Online Confidence Building classes as the foundation for changing students' lives. The course structure is pivotal to developing self-esteem and self-respect, the two main characteristics of people with high self-esteem. The students are encouraged to work on their strengths, get better and better at what they already possess, and choose a measurable goal for their improvement.

The benefits your child can leverage from confidence-building are:

  • Gaining self-confidence is a stepping stone to success.

  • Tackling challenges and gaining mental strength

  • Gaining leadership qualities

  • Developing a positive attitude

  • Getting over self-doubt

  • Overcoming the fear of public speaking and communicating effectively.

  • Competing in competitions with confidence

  • Having the grit to handle criticism and rejections 

  • Growing into a secure young adult

The classes for confidence building at PlanetSpark provide students with the skills and tools necessary for an independent and pleasant life.

So, what are you waiting for? To get started on building your child's confidence skills, click here and book a FREE class NOW and experience our excellent course!

Curriculum Details For Confidence Building Course For Class 9   

Critical aspects of our confidence-building curriculum for Class 9 children are given below:

  1. Communication basics: Enhancing daily conversation skills, reading, writing, and listening are the areas which are focused on.

  1. Contextual response: Learning is based on real-life situations and outside-of-the-classroom experiences in a specific environment. This plays an essential role for students to use their knowledge and provides a platform for further developing their convictions, trust, and career.

  1. Body language: The kids learn to make themselves look more confident by using assertive body language. Physically, developing a simple, natural, and confident character can help children get off to a good start. 

  1. Voice modulation: Working on voice, varying pitch, and pace.

  1. Public speaking: Presenting in front of an audience.

  1. Delivery of speech: Teaching effective ways of speech delivery.

  1. Project Work: Some of the exciting projects that the child will get to complete while being engaged include "learning to deliver a TED Talk," "Master Debaters," and "creating your podcast channels."

Many of the assignments involve public speaking tasks that will help students grow in that area. The teachers provide constant guidance and feedback at all times 

Confidence Building Activities & Worksheets For Grade 9 Children

The activities and worksheets in our confidence-building classes for class 9 are structured around the critical academic pursuits essential in shaping a child's future. By practising these worksheets, a child becomes more self-aware and can work on their weaknesses.

Self-esteem is a fundamental pillar in building a child's confidence, a lot of activities are built around this component. 

  • Sticking notes: Some of the activities will help kids reflect positively on who they are, their accomplishments for the day, or simply the things that make them happy. They can write these thoughts on notes and stick them in a place where they can see them every morning. They can also review these weekly to update them and work on short-term goals. We believe that positive affirmations keep children thriving in the long run.

  • Things I like about "Me": This worksheet focuses on building children's self-esteem and confidence. It helps children learn how each person is unique.

  • Self-esteem journal: Keeping a self-esteem journal is a beautiful method for kids to start thinking about the positive things they do and experience, which will help them develop a positive attitude about life. Starting with Monday, this worksheet includes three-sentence completion questions for each day of the week. "One thing I did well today...", "Today it was intriguing when...", and "I made someone smile when..." are some of the suggestions. Completing these questions every night for a week can help your youngster feel more upbeat and push them to concentrate on the positive aspects of life.

  • My goals poster: The child makes a poster of his goals. Parents can be part of this activity to brainstorm the ideas together and list down the achievable goals of the child.

Worksheets include writing activities, journals, discussion starters, and material that would gradually increase self-confidence.

Being strong and rigid in life is essential to maintaining self-confidence. Our core activities and worksheets on these skills prove very beneficial for the students, while they can also build confidence through our online class for grade 9 children. These activities highlight that children's physical health and mental wellbeing are interlinked and anchor their self-development as they grow up. They emphasize that this is particularly important for young people when they move from class 9 to higher grades and, eventually, a world that will be even more challenging and competitive.

These activities and worksheets help build positive thinking and improve children's feelings of self-worth and belief. Once this is accomplished, no one can stop them from achieving their goals. We aim to help children of class 9 create positive outcomes, starting with the easy use of these resources.

Confidence building free online classes for Grade 9 kids 

At PlanetSpark, helping children build self-confidence is one of our core competencies. It is quite literally the focal point of everything that is taught. Thousands of children have successfully gained from the Confidence Building Course for Class 9 children and built greater confidence.

In our course, we make children work on tools to help them uncover what their reasons for low confidence could be. The idea to consider is that a child can achieve what they aspire to, and our beliefs are changeable.  

Our online classes keep children connected as they learn and communicate consistently in all situations. PlanetSpark's online classes keep all material and your progress in one place once you log in. Additionally, PlanetSpark is also a downloadable app that students and parents can use from their mobile devices. You can track your child's performance, view reports, classroom updates, and much more with the app. This means students can focus on learning about the app and their systems anytime they want.

To get a practical experience of our course from the comfort of your home, book a FREE trial for our confidence-building free online class now!

Teacher's Profile

At PlanetSpark, the teachers are professionally trained and hold the appropriate qualifications. They also have to qualify for the PSAT (PlanetSpark Aptitude test) before starting teaching. Moreover, they are required to have previous teaching experience as well. 

At PlanetSpark, the teachers are highly evaluated and undergo intense certification training to achieve consistent results. They are encouraged to train students to think and act independently to make them confident in life. 


  1. What do you mean by Self-confidence?

Self-confidence can be defined as the belief and assurance you feel towards yourself. It is a state of mind where one pushes their self-created boundaries and works toward achieving success in life. Confidence is not about feeling superior to others; it is an inner understanding of being capable.

  1. What are confidence-building activities for Class 9?

While it is ideal to start self-esteem building classes when they are younger, there is plenty of scope for growth and development in this area for Class 9 children. These activities can help your child start or continue to build a healthy sense of self-confidence:

  • Reflecting on character strength

  • Creating affirmations

  • Accepting failure

  • Refusing to talk about negativity in an unhealthy way

  • Identifying meaningful and achievable goals

  • Creating an action plan to fight failure

  • Listing down your accomplishments

  • Creating a self-esteem journal

  1. How can my child increase his confidence level?

A few things you need to look at to increase your child's confidence are:

  • Talk about their past achievements.

  • Set short term goals, and help them work towards achieving those.

  • Teach him to stand up for himself

  • Teach him to exercise

  • Teach him to learn to say "no" when required

  1. What are the types of confidence?

There are two types of confidence – social and epistemic. The former is related to us, our sense of comfort in social situations, and our expectations of how others will accept us. While the latter is wholly related to how confident one is about their decisions or opinions. People with social confidence are more likely to be more capable, successful, and likeable.

  1. What is the importance of building self-confidence in Class 9 children?

It is essential to build confidence when a child is in Grade 9 as it helps them establish themselves as successful students. Their confidence is directly correlated with their academic performance and social engagement. 

  1. How do you build confidence in a child's reading skills?

A few of the things that kids are made to do in our classes are:

Read books and other forms of literature. There is a focus on building skills that enable reading comprehension rather than simply providing reading practice.

  • Rereading to build fluency

  • Understand reading strategies for different genres of text

  1. Will you provide a certificate after completion of the course?

Upon successful completion of the confidence-building course, the child will receive a certificate of completion.

  1. What are the advantages of confidence-building classes?

With confidence-building classes, kids will show positive growth in the following spheres:

  • Positive attitude

  • Self-trust

  • Experience less fear and anxiety

  • Self-reliance

  • Resilience

  • Motivation  

  1. How can Being confident help my child?

Being confident plays a crucial role in one's life when young. It involves trusting their abilities and judgment. With this, they can embrace their full potential, which helps them in academics. It will also make them more fearless.

  1. What causes a lack of confidence?

Major causes for the lack of confidence in a child can be due to poor academic performance, comparison with classmates, stressful life events, or any childhood failure, and low self-esteem. Personality also has a part to play. Some children are made to set high standards for themselves, while others are just more prone to negative thinking.

  1. Can I book a demo for my child for the confidence-building class?

To get a free trial for the course, please register your child for a FREE trial class.

  1. What habits can one possess to build confidence?

No one is born with Self-confidence; it is built gradually with one's habits and the choices one makes. This has to be developed in a child from early childhood. Few habits that build self-confidence in kids are: 

  • Silence their inner critic

  • Remind them of their good qualities

  • Don't let mistakes stop them

  • Dress confidently

  • Encourage them to ask questions

  • Make them work on their academics.

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