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Wed, 13 Oct, 2021

Exploring the Meaning Behind Women's Day

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Exploring the Meaning Behind Women's Day

MD: Women’s Day is a special day celebrated all around the world. Read this short essay to learn about the day’s significance.

The History behind Women’s Day

Every year on March 8th, the world celebrates Women's Day. It is a day dedicated to acknowledging and appreciating the women in our lives. The practice began in 1911, when European countries like Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland celebrated the first International Women's Day. 

The United Nations only officially acknowledged the day in 1975, and it is now observed worldwide. On this day, women from various cultural, religious, and social backgrounds come together to celebrate each other for all that they have accomplished as a community over the years. 

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Women's Day allows them to reflect on the many obstacles they have overcome to get to where they are now.

 What is Women’s Day about?

Exploring the Meaning Behind Women's Day


Gender discrimination is seen as a prevalent issue in all aspects of life. Women fight prejudice and unfairness on a daily basis. Whether inside their homes or workplaces, discrimination is a battle fought every day. It might be something as minor as being cut off while speaking about domestic abuse or being denied a promotion. 

There are several issues that women tackle every day. Women are seen as secondary, and compared to men, opportunities don’t seem to come by as easily to them. Feminists across the globe have been working to change the world for the better, but it is still a work in progress.

 Despite the many improvements we have seen in the way women’s issues are treated, there is still a large fraction of the society that treats women as inferior.

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Women’s Day is not just about appreciating women but also spreading awareness on the need for equality in the world. It is essential to bring about discussions on the issue on global platforms. Educating the general public is of great importance to overcome the problems of gender discrimination.

Women’s Day is also a heavily capitalised celebration through sales and events targeting women. It is ironic to observe how women are subjected to such manipulations on a day that is meant to appreciate them.

 Men and women celebrate Women’s Day with their loved ones taking time to be grateful for everything the women in their lives continue to do for them. As cliché as it sounds, every day should be Women’s Day as one needs no reason to express gratitude and love to the beautiful women in our lives. 

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1.  When is Women’s Day celebrated?

Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8th.

  1.  When was the first International Women’s Day celebrated?

It was celebrated in 1911 for the first time, but the UN only officially acknowledged it in 1975.

  1.   What is the intent of Women’s Day?

The intent of Women’s Day celebrated around the world is to bring about awareness and fight against gender discrimination.

  1. What does the writer think about Women’s Day?

The writer believes that every day should be Women’s Day as one needs no reason to express gratitude and love to the beautiful women in our lives.

  1.  Which were the first countries to celebrate Women’s Day?

Countries in Europe such as Denmark, Germany and Switzerland were among the first to celebrate this special day. It was officially celebrated by them as early as 1911.

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