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Sat, 11 Sep, 2021

Has Cosmetic Surgery Reached a Level That Exceeded Good Sense?

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Has Cosmetic Surgery Reached a Level That Exceeded Good Sense?

In 2018, about 18 million Americans got surgical and cosmetic treatments, as per the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). This indicates that over one-third of a million operations were performed. 

Over the last five years, cosmetic surgical treatments have become more popular in the United States.

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Plastic Surgery Vs. Cosmetic Surgery:

Before actually going into the meat of the topic, it's important to distinguish between cosmetic procedures and plastic procedures. The latter reconfigures body parts that have been compromised due to illnesses, wounds, or injury, whereas the former focuses on body augmentation.

Some Advantages Of Cosmetic Surgery:

Has Cosmetic Surgery Reached a Level That Exceeded Good Sense?


Perhaps the most important benefit of cosmetic procedures is that it aids in the alignment of the intended appearances.

The fact that plastic procedures offer psychological advantages was briefly noted in the earlier section. People are more likely to interact when they are feeling better about themselves.

This is a significant benefit for many people, and it is what motivates them to get operated on. The mental health benefits are extremely rewarding.

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Some Disadvantages Of Cosmetic Surgery:

Has Cosmetic Surgery Reached a Level That Exceeded Good Sense?

It is no mystery that cosmetic procedures are costly. This element, nevertheless, makes cosmetic procedures less available to the masses because not everyone can afford them.

Cosmetic surgery may also go awry, which is a significant danger that should not be underestimated. This is more prevalent than the fatality rate, yet it is still rare due to technological advancements.


On a concluding note, most people undergo cosmetic surgeries for psychological reasons. Whether opting for cosmetic surgery determines going against "good sense" will be difficult to answer unless we have lived the life of a distressed individual. It is difficult to develop a perception while standing on the periphery.

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  1. Are plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery the same?

Plastic surgery reconfigures body parts that have been compromised due to illnesses, wounds, or injury, whereas the former focuses on body augmentation. They are not the same.

  1.  Why do people undergo cosmetic surgery?

The purposes of undergoing cosmetic surgeries are predominantly psychological. Having said that, there are some people that undergo procedures to remain desirable in their profession, such as celebrities.

  1. What would be considered good sense in terms of cosmetic surgery?

Whether opting for cosmetic surgery determines going against "good sense" will be difficult to answer unless we have lived the life of a distressed individual. It is difficult to develop a perception while standing on the periphery.

  1.  Have people died because of cosmetic surgery?

People have been known to die because of cosmetic surgery. This is often after the surgery is done and happens when complications arise and are not treated properly.

 Having said that, because it is expensive, people visit untrained ‘professionals’ and have been known to suffer severe consequences.

  1. Is there anything good about cosmetic surgery?

The mental health benefits are extremely rewarding. This is a significant benefit for many people, and it is what motivates them to get operated on.

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