Creating Confidence

Mon, 03 Aug, 2020

Here's Why Personality Development Course Is Important for Class 8 Children!

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About Personality Development Course Class 8 Children

Personality represents you and your inherent nature and makes one unique from the other. So, personality development is a must, but it is not enhanced overight. Personality development requires proper guidance and parents intervention in different ways to help a child prosper in different skill sets. 


On that note, the basic aim of our personality development course for class 8 is to help your teenage kid to identify their unique behaviour. 

We know you might be thinking, why is it necessary for a class 8 child to take personality development courses? The reason is, it is always advisable to nurture personality at an early age so that it shapes life for a better tomorrow.

A personality development course can help your teenage kid develop better communication skills and a positive attitude towards life in their formative years. It can also help them get to know their true self so that they can make better decisions as adults.

Book a FREE class NOW!

Benefits Of PlanetSpark Personality Development Class For Class 8 Kids

We believe that every kid is unique, so it is quite unfair to compare the abilities of one with the other. Every kid has special abilities and skill sets. We need to identify their inner abilities and groom them accordingly.

This is the reason we offer a one-on-one learning environment to your kid so that they can have personal attention and identify their true self without comparing themselves with peers. Once they unlock their potential and abilities to excel in different skills, success will become an easy path. 

Therefore, we have designed this curriculum keeping in mind your kid's inner habits. Since all kids are different and have unique skills, they require different types of approaches in training. Our program includes:

  • Live 1:1 online personality development course for 8th grade

As we discussed earlier, personality development courses work best when it is delivered at a personal level. Our 1:1  personality development class for 8th class kids offers the most personalized and practical learning experience so that your kid can grow in their personal space.

  • Trained by Highly Experienced Mentors

PlanetSpark personality development module for standard 8  is designed to help your kids build a strong personality, confidence, and positive attitude.

Our highly experienced mentors can help your kid identify their strengths and weaknesses and overcome their problems.

  • Practical Activities and Games to Enhance Personality

The best way to learn is by doing activities. The practical way of learning never bores children and makes them resonate with the subject. Our curriculum is designed in a way that offers knowledge with practical games and activities.

Activities help your kids relate to real-life problems and train how to solve them.

Book your FREE trial today and find how our curriculum makes your teenage child ready for the future! 

Importance Of Personality Development Course For Class 8

As you are now aware of what personality development is and how it shapes the future of your kids, let's understand how important personality development is for your children.

  • Personality Development Is a Confidence Booster

It is quite obvious that when your kid is clear about their personality and true self, they will be more confident about communicating with new people.

It helps them decide more clearly how to respond to a particular situation with confidence.  So, with the help of an online personality development course for the 8th class, your kid will develop a positive attitude. And a positive attitude brings progress in life.

  • Helps in Developing Strong Social Relationships

A personality development course can make your kid’s social life easy. They can easily make new friends from society. They can handle class bullies and peer pressure on their own. Your child will be ready to handle social relationships from 8th grade itself.

  • Personality Development Boosts Self-Motivation and Improves Focus

We all know how important self-motivation in life is. Most successful people are self-driven. Self-motivation helps your children identify their interests and passions.

With the help of personality development courses at an early age, your children will have self-awareness about their own goals and passions. And when your kid is aware of their own goals, they will have a better focus on how to fulfil them. 

Our curriculum is designed in a way to help your child become a better person.

PlanetSpark Personality Development Training For Class 8 Testimonial

  • “We enrolled our son Liam into the communication skills program to improve his speaking skills. Within just a few weeks we are already seeing an improvement in him. As parents, we are very satisfied with the PlanetSpark classes.”

Mrs Daisy Fetch

Mother of Liam Fetch

United States of America

 For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. How do you teach a class 8 child personality development?

Personality development should be taught in the early phase of life. This is why we recommend teaching personality development in standard 8. It shapes every kid as a unique human being. Keep close attention to your child's behaviour and follow these steps to groom their personality.

  • Give enough attention to your kid and listen to them carefully.

  • Encourage them to play games.

  • Encourage kids to take personality development classes and help them understand its benefits.

  1. How can a class 8 child develop a strong personality? 

You can help develop a strong personality for your class 8 child.

  • Do not label your children as naughty. When a child is labelled, they start to believe that label is their identity.

  • Stop comparing your kid with others. Every child has unique behaviour and skill sets.

  • Help them reduce time on TV and mobile and motivate them to play outdoors.

These small habits can help class 8 children develop a strong personality in the future.

  1. What are the key factors for the healthy personality development of a class 8 child?

If your child is in class 8, it means they are about to enter teenage. This is a very crucial phase when kids need maximum support from parents in building their future.

For the healthy personality development of your kid, you need to monitor two key factors: environment and temperament. Environment involves the external factors around which your kid grows up, like family members, friends, school, etc. Temperament is the inherited nature of the kid.

  1. What is personality development?

Personality development is a well-defined process for enhancing the personality and behaviour of your kid. In the long run, it helps your kid gain confidence and sees the world positively. It also helps your kid communicate in a better way.

  1. How is a child's personality formed?

A child's personality is formed over the years by the interaction of external environment and temperament. Family background, genetic factors, school, friends, etc. form a child's personality.

  1. What is the fee structure of a personality development course?

The fee structure of a personality development course and certification ranges from 13000 INR to 39000 INR for one-on-one online classes.

  1. Are there any one-on-one teaching facilities available for my child?

Yes, PlanetSpark offers one-on-one teaching facilities for your child. The majority of our students prefer a one-on-one teaching environment for learning personality development. For one-on-one teaching facilities, we offer a free trial as well. 

  1. What is the size of an average batch?

PlanetSpark offers small batches, with an average batch size of 5 students.

We diversify the batch with different classes so that students can grow freely without peer pressure.

  1. What are the qualifications of the educators at PlanetSpark?

The basic qualification of all our educators is graduation and above. Apart from that, our educators are highly skilled and experienced in personality development. They are not just educators but mentors for your kid's personality development.

  1. Where do I get a free trial?

Visit our official website,, to book your free trial for a one-on-one class. It will help you understand better how our curriculum works in class 8 personality development training.

  1. How to improve personality development in 30 days?

Try implementing these habits to improve personality development in 30 days.

  • Meet new people.

  • Know your strengths and weaknesses.

  • Be a good listener.

  • Focus on body language.

Apart from this, book a one-on-one PlanetSpark Personality Development course for free.

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