
Wed, 13 Jan, 2021

Homeschooling is Better Than Normal Schooling!

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A daughter studying at home with her mother

Pandemic has taught us various things; one amongst them for me is that homeschooling is better than normal traditional schooling. I know my excuses might sound a little unprofessional, but I prefer studying sitting in my chair in my room. 

It has various benefits, most importantly it saves a lot of time as I do not have to travel every day for more than an hour to reach my school plus it makes me self-dependent.

Although I loved going to school because I could meet my friends and interact with them. Yet, I have stronger affirmations that will make you believe that homeschooling is much better than normal schools. Here are my inputs on it.

Why is Homeschooling Better than Normal Schooling?

  1. Flexibility- Homeschooling provides me with flexibility as I can set the schedule at my convenience. This means that if I like doing self-study in the morning, I can opt for an afternoon slot, etc. 

Also, sometimes I think that studying outdoors on a sunny day can be better for me; I sit outside to take the learning session without worrying about school bells. This has improved my dedication to studies, made me more hardworking and self-dependent.

  1. Emotional Freedom- I have been through a lot of peer pressure, boredom, competition and bullies; all of this is part of a normal school. I used to hate all this, and because of all these factors, I prefer homeschooling. It gives me the freedom to dress the way I want, think the way I want to and not have any pressure to fit in any group.

  1. Personal attention- This is my favourite part of homeschooling as now I get personal attention, and I can clear all my doubts without any hesitation. In the conventional schooling method, there are so many students in the class that the teacher's attention is always divided, and it makes me hesitant to ask any doubts or questions.

All in all, I think that homeschooling has improved my performance, saved time, enabled creativity and made my relations with the teacher better.

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  1. How does homeschooling provide a safer environment?

It safeguards me from external extremities such as sexual assault, physical & psychological abuse, drugs, etc.

  1. What are the disadvantages of normal schooling?

I think some of the major disadvantages are more dependency on teachers, fixed schedules and social distancing issues.

  1. What factors help decide whether to opt for homeschooling or normal schooling?

If parents make this decision, they will look at the child's age, academic ability, the kid's social needs, and family's schedule.

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