
Wed, 06 Jan, 2021

How Do You Support The Universal Health Care System?

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In the United States, health care is a privilege, not a right. You need to work for it. That's how America works, and that's how we're designed to live. If you don't work, you can't support yourself, buy stuff, or contribute to society. The government taxes people to provide social services like education and health care. It's the same way in all developed countries. Why should the sick get health care covered by all taxpayers when those taxpayers aren't paying for their health care? Good question. That's why there are deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses and co-pays. That's also why we have a job market that doesn't allow everyone to be self-sufficient or contribute to society, even though they're capable of doing so.

What Is The Universal Health Care System?

Universal health care is a system of healthcare in which all people get their basic health coverage from one government agency. A universal care system is funded by tax revenue and run by the government. The National Health Service (NHS) of the United Kingdom, for example, is a universal health care system.

Need For Universal Health System In The USA

Why do we need universal healthcare in the United States? It's because the current system is not working for everyone. It's not working for minorities, working women, and people who can’t afford healthcare without working two jobs and relying on their friends and family. The current system is also too expensive, which means that when you get sick, you have to pay the entire cost of your medical treatment. 

What Are The Benefits Of The Universal Health Care System?

- It is cheaper than private insurance or no insurance because it reduces expenses related to administration, billing, and marketing costs.

- All legal residents are eligible for health care coverage. 

- Coverage is not dependent on your income or your employment status.

- Everyone gets the same benefits and services.

- Workers’ compensation programs are eliminated.


There are many criticisms of this universal health care plan. There is no way that everyone will be covered, and the government will have no incentive to cover everyone. In the current scheme, if you work, you get free healthcare. If you do not work, you do not get free healthcare. We rely on the government to make sure we have a health care system, and that is the reason why we have a universal health care plan.

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How Do You Support The Universal Health Care System?

We can only support the universal health care system if we don't rely on the government to provide us with health care, and we do not rely on a job market that doesn't provide everyone with the option of being self-sufficient. This would mean that all Americans need to be able to support themselves, so they no longer depend on the government for basic services like health care. 


The current system in America is not good. It's inefficient, ineffective, and, above all, it's not fair to the poor, especially minority poor. Universal health care will make sure that everyone is taken care of and that no one has to worry about the cost of their medical treatment. Health care should be a right for every American and not a privilege for those who have money or job security.


Q1: What is the difference between universal health care and single-payer?

A1: Universal health care is a system in which everyone is covered and there are no co-pays or out-of-pocket expenses. Single payer is a system in which the government takes over all healthcare payments, but there could still be co-pays or out-of-pocket expenses.

Q2: What are possible sources of funding for universal health care?

A2: Possible sources include income and sales taxes. People who cannot afford their own insurance would receive coverage from the government. Corporations would pay taxes to support their employees' health care expenses. 

Q3: What is the Significance of Universal health care?

A3: Universal health care is one of the first steps towards a Socialist society. It will eliminate the liberty of individuals to decide what is best for themselves and to allow the government to decide the best way to help all people. 

Q4: Why is there a need for Universal health care?

A4: The current system of getting health care is inadequate. A country cannot be a world power if it has citizens who are unable to afford medical attention, even when people are healthy and physically fit. 

Q5: What are the benefits of universal health care?

A5: The benefits of universal health care are obvious. It would eliminate people from having to spend a large portion of their income on healthcare, which means that there would be an increase in the economy.

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