
Fri, 03 Sep, 2021

How Does the Montessori Method Differ from Other Approaches?

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There are so many schools and daycare alternatives in every city and state that one might get confused at choosing the best one. It can be very difficult and a tedious job for parents to make a list of schools and daycare centres that can be the best for their child.

But, several parents choose Montessori school and daycare because they are different in their way of teaching. These schools offer a multi-age level approach which makes them unique and approachable.  If you are a parent and want to know what is best for your child, then read along. So, what are some reasons that make these schools much better than conventional academies and daycare centres?

How Is The Montessori School's Approach Different From Conventional Study Centres?

A group of kids studying together

Montessori schools are different in their approach. They have managed students for almost three years. They make their bond strong by remaining with the kids for a long time. The school believes in honing the natural environment of the students.

Top reasons to explain their uniqueness are: 

  1. Children are seen as an individual people

The Montessori school has a strong belief that every child is special and unique. Every kid brings something unique to every classroom. Each one has their upbringing, their uniqueness, and their own identity. In conventional schools, there are several groups of students put together and taught as one. But in the Montessori approach, every student can learn and understand things through their methods.

  1. Facilitating self-sufficiency

Montessori schools believe in placing a high value on teaching kids how they can learn themselves rather than depending on their teachers. Kids are encouraged so that they can be independent and self-sufficient. In conventional schools, a teacher is a guide that teaches the same thing to thousands of students. Some students match forward, and some are left behind.  

  1. Learning become easy

One thing that makes learning dull is the teaching methods. Same rote learning, reading paragraphs, and writing the same things can make a child dull, and their thinking becomes restricted. 

In our schools, we believe every kid has their intellect and their own pace. In our schools, we help students learn in their ways. As students learn through their activities, they become more flexible, and learning becomes more fun.

  1. Teachers as our Guides

Our school believes that teachers can be our guides. Rather than a person who gives lectures and makes us understand things, in Montessori school, we believe they are collaborative members. Teachers can be connected with kids and help them on the right path. They give honest feedback, manage the classroom and give students second chances.

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  1. How do traditional schools treat mistakes? How is Montessori different?

In traditional schools, we are rewarded with titles for being the perfect student. But, contrary to that, the Montessori setting is quite different. Montessori school’s better classroom success with the congenial environment. Teachers listen more to students, and kids are more open to learning.

  1. How is the bond between a kid and teacher special?

The relationship and bond between a teacher and a student are special. Teachers make the classroom environment much more interactive. The curriculum is based on the child's needs. In a traditional school, children are given the lessons beforehand.

  1. How does Montessori school enhance one's personality traits?

To help a child grow individually, each Montessori school focuses on its emotional, social, physical, and cognitive aspects. They help in making children independent. 

  1. What does the Montessori school believe about education?

Montessori schools believe that education should not be rigorous. It should be fun and interactive. A child should naturally understand different things, and their curiosity should make him study.

  1. What are the drawbacks of attending this school?

Some of the school drawbacks include: 

  • It can reduce friendship and emotional connection.

  • Difficulty in adapting to school culture.

  • Students do not depend on others.

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