The art of Public Speaking

Sun, 20 Feb, 2022

Importance and benefits of Public Speaking Classes for class 3 students!

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About Public Speaking Training For Class 3

From classrooms to conventions, public speaking is an important life skill you can teach kids from a young age. Whether at school, college or university, the ability to communicate well is a skill that will always be in demand. Being able to express oneself clearly and persuasively is an asset in any educational path your child may choose in the future.

The ideal way to help your child gain public speaking confidence is to start young—the earlier, the better. A child who is adept at public speaking is much more likely to do well in school and in their career because they will be able to speak up for themselves and make their ideas heard.

Apart from making them confident speakers, public speaking will also help your child learn other skills in life that will help them excel in their future career.

If a child can learn to speak in public, they’ll be able to build relationships, gain confidence, learn how to influence and persuade other people, and much more. Unlike academic subjects, public speaking skills have to be specifically developed and nurtured over time. 

At PlanetSpark, the English public speaking course for kids in class 3 prepares them to become successful adults and present themselves in the best possible light. Book a FREE class NOW for your child now  in a PlanetSpark course and help them blossom socially and academically.

Public speaking on Animal Related Topics for Class 3

  • There are different biomes on earth where animals reside. Discuss the  difference between chaparral and coniferous animal territories.

  • What animals are the most expensive to keep and home

  • What do the American alligators eat?

  • What to do if you want to adopt a dog

  • Why are monkeys so good at climbing trees?

  • Why Dolphins Are the Most Intelligent Ocean Creature

  • Why is it necessary for the zoo caregivers for animals to be well trained and professional in their approach?

  • Why do pets have a closer connection to humans?

  • Why have tigers and raccoons not replaced cats and dogs?

  • Wolf Ecology and Behaviour. Their social structure

  • Why Do Zebras Have Stripes?

Benefits of PlanetSpark’s Public Speaking Training for Class 3


We believe that children learn better when they’re having fun. That’s why our programs at PlanetSpark are designed to help children learn through exploration and play. The creative learning methods at PlanetSpark encourage kids to become active learners and help them develop skills beyond the classroom.

Speaking in front of an audience requires a child to speak clearly and without hesitation or stuttering. Our public speaking courses accommodate your child's pace of learning and help him or her progress in a safe virtual environment. We can tell when our students don’t understand something and we can go back to the source material, review things again and give them personal guidance.

Public Speaking on Relationships for Class 3

  • Speak on Mother

  • Speak on Teacher

  • Speak on Grandparents

  • What do you say when you're the best man?

  • Speak on My Mother

Among the many advantages of PlanetSparks’s public speaking course for kids of class 3, some are highlighted below:

  • Individualised Public Speaking class

Students, especially young children, really benefit from the personalized training and attention. They are able to grow and learn from their mistakes in a low-pressure environment. That’s why our instructors work with students one-on-one and give immediate feedback, hands-on tips, and individual feedback on how they can improve as public speakers.

  • Trained by specialists

We believe that children deserve a unique and personalized approach to learning and development - one that can only be achieved with the support of an expert.  Aside from their proficiency in English and public speaking, our teachers are highly skilled at teaching young children. All PlanetSpark teachers are PlanetSpark Aptitude Test (PSAT) certified and undergo extensive training before they take up any course material. 

  • Course curated by experts

PlanetSpark courses are curated by industry experts and alumni from XLRI, Harvard Business School, Google and more. We offer courses on public speaking, storytelling and presentation skills, among others. Our courses are aimed at developing unique and lifelong skills such as interpersonal communication, public speaking, and critical analysis.

  • Comprehensive Curriculum

PlanetSpark believes that every child is multi-talented and can excel across various domains. By teaching real-world communication and personality development skills, we seek to bring out each child's strengths, passions, and potential. Our expert-curated courses enable your kids to have a fantastic time while developing a host of critical problem-solving skills, creativity, and communication. 

  • Clubs for creative growth

We believe in creating opportunities for children that help them develop their own skills, while encouraging them to work with other children and engage with their community. The public speaking training at PlanetSpark comes with a variety of clubs and activities to compliment your child’s academic and personal growth. These clubs are a great way to further cultivate your child’s interests.

By following a set of steps for each activity, children learn teamwork, leadership, presentation and research skills. For instance, the podcasting studio allows them to record their own thoughts on a topic and share it with others.

Other clubs students can join include the theatre troupe, poetry academy, debate club, and comedy club. Book a FREE class for your child for a PlanetSpark course and help them build on their creative talents.  


Public speaking on Moral Values for Class 3

  • Speak on Patriotism

  • Discipline Speak

  • Speak on Value of Discipline in Student Life

  • Speak on Respect

  • Speak on Value of Time

  • Speak on Self-Discipline and its Importance

Curriculum Details Of Public Speaking Course For Class 3 

When you teach your children to read, one of the first things they will learn is the alphabet. Then you teach them the letters, what they look like and how to spell each letter. In the same way, at PlanetSpark’s public speaking courses, we start with the basics of reading, writing and comprehension to create fluent and confident public speakers over time.
The unique learning platform at PlanetSpark makes learning fun for children of all ages. Even if a child is reserved at first, the individual attention brings out their best traits and helps them blossom. Instructors engage with young children in an empathetic and understanding manner which empowers them to voice their concerns and needs. 

Through our adaptive public speaking courses, we aim to bring out the best in kids and help them reach new levels of potential.

As part of our public speaking curriculum for grade 3, we emphasize the following points:

  • Assessment of the child's current knowledge and skills.

  • Interactive sessions and live 1:1 discussion with teachers to help build a strong foundation.

  • Master concepts of the English language like grammar, sentence structure, .

  • Become proficient at reading and pronunciation.

  • Learn and apply the basics of creative writing.

  • Learn to express better through creative clubs.


Public Speaking on Personalities/People For Class 3

Importance Of Public Speaking Classes For Kids Of Class 3

  1. Progress in vocabulary and pronunciation

For any speech, presentation, or personal interaction to be truly effective, one must have a good command of pronunciation and vocabulary. 

With consistent practice in speeches, writing practice and proper guidance in delivery, children can master grammar, improve their pronunciation and discover new vocabulary.

Children who exercise the public speaking skill at a young age become more fluent in their writing and are able to comprehend more diverse content as well. By doing so, they are able to build a wealth of language and communication skills that can be applied to both their professional and personal lives.

  1. Analytical skills

Public speaking can be a highly effective way of helping your child to develop critical thinking and analytical skills. It requires them to plan, prepare, deliver and reflect on their performance.

Children are exposed to new ideas and ways of thinking when they research and explore different topics for public speaking sessions. Gradually, they develop skills to evaluate a topic and analyse it in greater depth.

  1. Leadership qualities

An eloquent speaker leaves a lasting impression on the audience and gains their admiration and respect. Taking a public speaking class helps your child develop these impactful speaking styles that enables them to take charge in the classroom and beyond.

  1. Language and communication skills 

Everyone is born with an innate desire to communicate, and the more kids talk, the more they develop their language skills. Giving kids a forum to express themselves in public will help them gain confidence in themselves.

  1. Better planning and organisation skills

When you’re trying to convince someone of a point, you need to be prepared and have a good understanding of the topic or idea you’re presenting. 

Public speaking can help children develop better planning and organisation skills, because they will have to learn how to think on their feet, come up with answers quickly, and communicate effectively in front of an audience.

Not only does it help you deal with the stress of being in front of a crowd, but it also helps you plan out your thoughts into a coherent presentation. 

For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. What are the 5 components of great public speaking skills?

The 5 components of great public speaking skills are confidence, stamina, audience awareness, ability to tell a story, and presentation style.

  1. What are some at-home practices to help my kid in class 3 become a better public speaker?

  • Ask your child to share their opinion on everyday matters that impact them. 

  • Observe their body language and suggest ways to improve. 

  • Encourage them to write in a journal.

  • Encourage them to make more friends. 

  • Practice role playing conversations in different everyday situations

  • Ask for their input in family gatherings

  1. What are the benefits of learning public speaking skills?

  • Improved power of persuasion

  • Improved communication and social skills

  • Increased self esteem

  • Better academic performance.

  • Better leadership abilities

  • Helps career advancement in the long term

  1. What is PlanetSpark?

PlanetSpark is a dynamic, after-school program designed to teach developmental skills to children between grades 1 to 10. With the help of exciting activities, our qualified educators create a stimulating environment that helps kids develop into well-adapted, self-reliant, and better individuals. 

  1. At what age can my child enrol with PlanetSpark?

Children of 4-14 years can join the public speaking training and other courses at PlanetSpark.

  1. How do you begin a speech?

When you’re delivering a speech, it’s important to get your audience engaged and excited about what you have to say. The way you do this is by starting off with an attention-grabbing, thought-provoking, or humorous anecdote that sets the stage for the rest of your speech. Here are some other ways to start a speech:

  • Ask your audience a question

  • Open with a relevant quote

  • Tell a story

  • Use an insightful statistic.

  1. What are some public speaking topics for children in grade 3 to practice?

  • My favourite holiday

  • Why I love my family

  • Visiting my relatives

  • My favourite hobby

  • My favourite book

  1. What causes the fear of public speaking?

A child may develop a fear of public speaking because of low confidence, poor language and communication skills, and feeling self conscious. 

  1.  How can I get a free trial for public speaking classes for class 3 children?

You can visit the PlanetSpark website to book a free trial of our public speaking course for kids in class 3.

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