The art of Public Speaking

Sun, 20 Dec, 2020

Importance of early start into public speaking classes for kindergarteners!

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About Public Speaking Course For Kindergarteners

Mastering a skill requires practice and time. The earlier your child gets into the learning habit, the better he/she will excel in the future. The same can be said for public speaking skills. As a parent, you should try to get your kids enrolled in a public speaking course  from an early age. It will help them gain more opportunities to showcase in the future.

Public speaking skills are also very beneficial for the self-confidence of your child, in addition to helping him/her in character-building. Furthermore, developing public speaking skills as early as kindergarten pays off in the long run when kids join the professional world.

In this course, we guide children through the fundamentals of public speaking, and its concepts. They will also learn to talk clearly and confidently, understand how to deliver their speeches more effectively, tackle their fear of public speaking at an early age, easy rehearsal techniques for improving their skills, and understand the importance of verbal and nonverbal communication.

Book a FREE class for a public speaking course  NOW!

Benefits Of Public Speaking For Kindergarten

With public speaking classes curated by PlanetSpark, your kids can learn to leverage the benefits of public speaking skills in their everyday academic lives and beyond. 

We have designed the program by keeping in mind that not everyone is a born public speaker. Attending PlanetSparks’s English public speaking class will not only help your kids develop the skill early on but also apply it in their academic lives. Furthermore, when they step foot in the professional world, they will be able to present their ideas and participate in meetings with utter confidence.

The course is designed considering the ease and simplicity required to introduce kindergartners to an entirely new concept. However, we also understand the importance of developing a skill early on and the impact it can have on your kid’s life in the professional and real world.

Summarising the benefits of PlanetSpark’s public speaking courses for kindergarten students:

  • Small Groups

Small groups of students make it easy for teachers to pay close attention to all students.

  • Regular student-teacher interactions

Your kids regularly engage with teachers and fellow students to enhance their social influence.

  • Trained and qualified teachers

Our teachers are trained, reviewed, and experts in their fields. They are highly qualified language masters, having aced the PlanetSpark Aptitude Test (PSAT), which is taken by over a million teachers worldwide.

  • Student evaluation

All the kids enrolled with us are evaluated to determine their starting point. Every kid begins the public speaking course based on their current speaking levels.

  • Fun learning experience

We introduce the concept of public speaking in a fun and engaging way.

  • No limits to what your kids can learn

Your kids will learn to give a TED Talk, master debates, and launch their podcast channels in some of the most exciting and engaging ways.

  • Comprehensive course module

Our comprehensive public speaking course module helps your little ones overcome their fear of public speaking, boost their confidence, enhance their overall personality, and more.

  • Certification programs from the best of the best

The certification programs are one-of-a-kind, established by Harvard and XLRI professionals who have used public speaking and creative writing concepts in their personal and professional lives.

Curriculum Details Of Public Speaking Course For Kindergarteners

The English public speaking course from PlanetSpark forms part of an interactive and comprehensive communication skills program. The curriculum of the virtual public speaking course is designed to help kindergarten students understand the fundamentals of public speaking, centred around the following points:

  • Start at a beginner’s level

  • Levelling up through slow and steady progress

  • Interactive sessions to help you grow with each class

  • Understand the concepts of language

  • Begin with the basics of English language and grammar

  • Learn more than just new words with each session

  • Get introduced to the concept of writing without having to worry too much about grammatical errors

  • Gain an insight into different academic and extra-curricular situations

  • Start early on in developing self-confidence

  • Learn how to pronounce words properly and fluently

  • Learn the basics of communication

  • Learn how to communicate with fellow students, teachers, parents

  • Learn to break the barrier of nervousness and fear of public speaking from an early age


Miscellaneous Public speaking topics for kindergarten kids

  • persuade us that doing homework is good/not good for you

  • convince us that watching cartoons is good/not good for you

  • argue that recess should be longer

  • explain why dogs are better than cats (or the other way around)

  • show us how to make a popsicle pencil holder

  • show us how to make the perfect peanut butter and jelly sandwich

  • tell us why living on planet Earth is better than living on planet Mars

  • tell us what happened to the dinosaurs

  • show us how to stop a nosebleed

Environment Public speaking topics for kindergarten kids

  • tell us what makes you a good friend to have

  • tell us about the world's largest animal (blue whale)

  • tell us about the world's tallest animal (giraffe)

  • tell us about the world's fastest insect (dragonfly)

  • talk about air pollution and how to reduce it where you live

  • What is the best thing about summer?

  • What planet would you visit and why?

What are you waiting for? Book a FREE class NOW in our public speaking courses and make your child a confident public speaker!

Public Speaking Training Activities And Worksheets

At PlanetSpark, we have taken special care to curate the public speaking skills training activities and worksheets that help kindergarten kids take the initial step into the field of public speaking.

Public speaking courses are an important source that allows kindergarten kids to learn how to properly express themselves while speaking in front of an audience. We create learning experiences where your kids can learn while having fun and engaging.

At PlanetSpark, we curate interactive, immersive, and engaging skills training programs to help kindergarten students not lose interest even before they get into learning a new skill. We have compiled a list of some fun, entertaining, and useful training activities that your kids can do while they learn public speaking at PlanetSpark.

  • Live skill-based content

  • Learning games with powerful technology

  • A learning experience combined with fun and interactive games

  • Engaging and immersive learning games with cartoons

  • Scientifically designed quizzes and assessments

  • Over 1500 explanation videos

Worksheets designed by experts are aligned with the school syllabus and come with the following cutting-edge premium features:

  • Worksheets are based on STEPS methodology

  • Worksheets offer guided practice for better understanding

  • Repetition in public speaking skills training program for long-term retention

  • Worksheets help your kids get into the habit of regular practice

Book a FREE class now 

Favourite Public speaking topic for kindergarten kids

  • How would you make your school better?

  • What is your favorite kind of music and why?

  • Tell us about your favorite outdoor activity

  • tell us about your favorite book

  • Your favorite thing about going back to school is?

  • persuade us that drinking soda is bad for your health

  • What is your favorite sport

Importance Of Public Speaking Classes For Kindergarten Students

As mentioned above, the benefits of effective public speaking are numerous. Listing down the benefits of public speaking skills training your kids shall gain at PlanetSpark:

  1. Improvement in academic performance

Public speaking skills enhance different aspects of your kids' lives. Their academic life will be presented with several opportunities in which they will be required to deliver a speech, conduct a presentation, address their fellow students, and more. Creating a strong public presence from the start can help your kids in the future. With a comprehensive public speaking course from PlanetSPark, your kids shall also learn to develop and improve their critical thinking, research skills, deductive reasoning, among others, apart from just public speaking skills. 

  1. Become a better listener

Virtual public speaking classes from PlanetSpark expose your kids to a curriculum not only centred around public speaking skills but also other skills and aspects that go hand in hand with public speaking. One such skill is the ability to listen to others with patience and keen attention. These courses help your child pay close attention to the topics or concepts being taught and discussed. Becoming a good listener also helps them establish healthier relationships with their fellow students, parents, and friends.

  1. Confidence to voice opinions and influence the audience

It’s one of the most important qualities of a good public speaker. Voicing opinions with confidence and the ability to influence, persuade, and motivate others only comes with rigorous public speaking skills training and gaining experience over time. With virtual public speaking classes from PlanetSpark, your kindergarteners can gain the confidence to not only speak in front of a large audience but also voice their opinions. Eventually, they shall overcome their fear of public speaking. 


Adventure Public speaking topics for kindergarten kids

  • Tell us why wearing a uniform to school is/is not a good idea

  • tell us how rainbows are formed

  • how to tell time with a sun clock

  • why is it important to brush your teeth?

  • What is the greatest thing ever invented?

  • Which cartoon character or fairy tale character would you like to be?

  • What is your favorite sports activity?

  • What are the safety rules for riding a bike?

  • What is your favorite subject in school and why?

  • What animal would you be if you could be an animal for a day?


  1. What are the qualities of a good public speaker?

Five essential qualities of a good public speaker include confidence, self-awareness, passion to speak, authenticity, and the ability to engage and capture their audience.

  1. How long can it take for your kids to learn public speaking?

Every skill requires regular practice and training. As time passes and you gain more experience of participating in public speaking events, you shall be able to master the public speaking skill in some time. Patience is the key here.

  1. Why is public speaking important?

Public speaking is a skill that helps your kids enhance the overall personality of your children, including deductive skills, research skills, critical thinking, and more. Public speaking also helps in personality development, improves academic performance, and enhances career development in the professional world.

  1. Content or delivery of a speech, which is more important?

They are both equally important for helping your kids deliver a speech in a public speaking event. 

  1. How to prepare your kids to speak right off the bat?

Improvisation and practice. The more your kids learn to improvise while practising the more they’ll get confident in delivering a speech at a moment’s notice.

  1. How much knowledge shall my kids gain on completing the virtual public speaking classes by PlanetSpark

The sky's the limit! Young minds learn faster. Starting as early as kindergarten can help your kids make the most of our public speaking course. 

  1. How to get my kid to overcome the fear of public speaking?

Eventually, as they get comfortable with addressing a large audience, gain some positive experiences of public speaking, they shall be able to overcome their fear of public speaking. However, time can vary from one kid to another.

  1. How to start a speech?

Most speakers start by addressing and greeting the audience. Doing what others do makes it dull. So, we suggest starting a speech with an interesting quote or a never-heard-before fact that instantly grabs the audiences’ attention.

  1. How to pace a speech?

Perfectly pacing a speech is nearly an impossible feat to achieve. It requires regular practice over time. Putting in pauses helps gain a normal pace in speech, allowing the speaker to catch their breath, time to think, and more. Asking a couple of questions to the audience is also an excellent way for evenly pacing a speech.

  1. How to close a speech?

Summing up the highlights from the speech along with engaging the audience with questions and letting them know the exact action they need to take is a great way to end the speech.

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