
Mon, 16 May, 2022

Issues and Concerns With Cybersecurity and Internet Policing!

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Technology has truly boomed in the last three decades and brought many good and bad developments. It has changed our approach towards transport, communication, healthcare, art, city planning, and so much more.

Similarly, with the invention of the Internet, we were faced with a host of new issues and obstacles that need to be addressed. Major problems include threats to cybersecurity and internet policing.

Cybersecurity refers to using technology to protect online systems against cyberattacks such as hacking or viruses.

4 Types Of Cybersecurity Threats And Internet Policing
Cybersecurity issues

Cybersecurity protects networks and systems against cybercriminals. Maintaining cybersecurity has become a challenge with the increasing amount of online activity.

Here are four types of online threats.

  1. Privacy threats: The increased number of online transactions has also led to an increase in cyber criminals looking to mine data illegally for their profit. This includes customer information, personal preferences, market information, and more. Established organizations also mine this data as their intellectual property to target users.

  2. Weak links in supply chains: As more transactions and services move online, supply chains are becoming more complicated. This decreases the effectiveness of a company’s security walls, making them easy targets for cyber criminals.

  3. Hacking: Hacking has long been known as an invasion of privacy. Hackers break into a company’s or an individual’s system to steal or destroy data. There are also several websites that teach the basics of hacking to both beginners and experts.

  4. Phishing: Many of us have received emails or phone calls that are clearly scams. However, some scams are very elaborate, and cybercriminals have been able to steal personal information and bank details through phishing.


To address these online security issues, cybersecurity needs to regulate the use of data online. The user should be able to decide when and where their information is used. Large companies should work on their cybersecurity to create a safer online experience for their customers. Cyberattacks will continue to grow more complex, and it is up to cybersecurity and internet policing to update and work against them.

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  1. What is cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity refers to the use of technology to protect online systems against cyberattacks such as hacking or viruses.

  1. What are some threats to cybersecurity and Internet policing?

Privacy threats, weak links in supply chains, hacking, and phishing are a few threats to cybersecurity and Internet policing.

  1. What are the types of cybersecurity?

There are five major types of cybersecurity: cloud security, network security, infrastructural security, application security, and Internet of Things (IoT) security.

  1. How can cybersecurity be improved?

You can improve cybersecurity by keeping your computer software and applications updated. Keep updating your passwords to keep them safe from getting hacked.

  1. What is the Internet police?

The internet police refer to police departments that deal with cybercriminals and cybersecurity threats.

  1. Why should you protect your personal information?

Protecting your personal information is important since it prevents identity theft. Unprotected information could give hackers easy access to your financial and medical records.

We at PlanetSpark take cybersecurity very seriously. As an online learning platform, we understand the need to keep your and your children’s information safe and secure.

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