Writers Guild

Wed, 08 Sep, 2021

Minimising Our Carbon Footprint: A Path to Bettering the Universe

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Minimising Our Carbon Footprint: A Path to Bettering the Universe

We are living in a world surrounded by many harmful gases. Our prime responsibility is to reduce these gases in the atmosphere as much as possible so that our future generations can lead a happy life. 

Carbon footprint can be defined as the number of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons) etc., which are emitted into the atmosphere due to human activities. 

According to WHO, carbon footprint has been mainly due to the burning of more fossil fuels in the rural areas that release greenhouse gases. 

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The WHO also suggests that if we want to live a healthy and happy life, we have to bring the carbon content in our atmosphere to 2 tons by 2050.

Causes Of Increased Carbon Footprinting

Minimising Our Carbon Footprint: A Path to Bettering the Universe


  1. Rapid cutting down of trees leads to deforestation. As a result, trees would not be there to take in CO2.

  2. Use of a large number of vehicles.

  3. Burning of fossil fuels, including woods, coal etc.

  4. The use of fertilisers during farming will release nitrous oxide gas into the atmosphere.

  5. Many industries also release greenhouse gases, mainly carbon, into the atmosphere.

Effects Due To Increased Carbon Footprints

  1. The most important effect of carbon printing is the change in the climate. The climate of our country has been affected mainly over the years.

  2. Air pollution is caused due to the accumulation of a large number of harmful greenhouse gases.

  3. It has also led to the melting of large icebergs and glaciers, which will result in the rise of sea levels that may cause floods soon.

  4. They cause various respiratory diseases in humans.

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Preventing The Increased Carbon Footprint


Minimising Our Carbon Footprint: A Path to Bettering the Universe


  1. We should use sustainable transport. We should avoid vehicles, and walk should be adopted.

  2. We should avoid using air conditioners and furnaces to burn fossils, but adopt using LEDs.

  3. We should adopt using 4 R's- refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle.

  4. The most crucial step is to start planting a large number of trees so that they can absorb the carbon emissions.

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We looked into the effects of carbon footprint and knew how dangerous it could be if left untreated. So, we need to take the necessary steps as soon as possible to remove it from its roots. The time has begun when we can join hands and prevent carbon footprint.


  1.  Which has a more considerable impact on Carbon footprint?


  1. Which gases do not contribute to greenhouse gases?

Oxygen and Nitrogen.

  1. Why is carbon a greenhouse gas?

Carbon is a greenhouse gas because it increases the Earth’s temperature.

  1. Can carbon footprint be prevented?

It can be prevented if we start living a sustainable life.

  1. How do trees prevent carbon footprint?

Trees absorb carbon and do not allow it in the atmosphere.

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