The art of Public Speaking

Sun, 16 Jan, 2022

Persuasive and Informative speech topics (Environment related) for class 3 students!

Everything around us is the environment. The trees, birds, animals and even the buildings are part of our environment. However, we will focus on the natural environment, such as forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife.

Over the past few decades, uncontrolled human activity has caused severe destruction of the environment. The major causes of environmental degradation are industrialization, deforestation, overpopulation, and over-exploitation of natural resources. The speech topics on the environment can be any of these numerous issues, talking about the problem and the possible solutions.

Below are a few ideas for environment topics for class 3. 


  • What is deforestation?

  • Water pollution

  • How will recycling help?

  • Why is plastic bad for us?

  • Should zoos be allowed?

  • How is the use of animals for transporting goods unethical?

  • Endangered species need protection

  • Benefits of renewable sources of energy

  • Conservation of global resources

  • Banning the use of polythene bags

  • Benefits of organic farming

  • Why does the Yamuna river need our attention?

  • Saving Ganga river

  • The three Rs - Reduce | Reuse | Recycle

  • Western Ghats         

  • Trees give us oxygen

  • Benefits of drip irrigation

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  • Wildlife Protection Act in India

  • Project Tiger

  • National parks

  • Largest rainforests in the world

  • Importance of sustainable development

  • Scarcity of water

  • Water treatment plants

  • Climate change

  •  Ozone layer depletion

  • Effects of unfiltered smoke from factories

  • The great Pacific garbage patch

  • How to reuse things at home

  • How to make things out of garbage

  • Top endangered species in India

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