
Mon, 21 Sep, 2020

Should Teachers have to Pass a Test Every Decade to Renew their Certifications?

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Should Ten Year Certification Renewals Become Mandatory For Educators?

young female teacher

Teachers are the pillars of the education system. Students gain plenty of knowledge from their teachers. They can learn wrong information from teachers too. Information is constantly changing to include the latest scientific discoveries. If teachers are not up-to-date with these latest discoveries, they could teach things that are no longer true. Of course, the course syllabus is decided by the educational board of the country. The way we understand the information comes down to the teachers.

Teachers Should Be Evaluated Too

Teacher teaching in a class

Learning never stops because there is always something new to learn. Like students are evaluated each year to check if they are learning, teachers should have similar exams. According to feedback from students and their parents, teachers do receive regular evaluations from their superiors. This is an excellent practice to ensure that teachers stay motivated to grow their skill set.

What Happens If They Are Not Tested?

The rules of science, finance, and arts are not the same as they were ten years ago. Therefore, teaching these new concepts could probably use an upgrade too. Teachers who stick to the same facts and methods of teaching those facts can become stagnant. 

Think of it this way - classrooms these days are equipped with technologies like projectors, which did not exist a decade ago. Teachers that still use blackboards would spend more time and energy explaining concepts. Projectors can be used to show interactive videos and pictures that take learning to another level.

This is why teachers should continuously develop their skills. It benefits students, teachers and parents, and the education system. In conclusion, YES, teachers should have to pass a test every decade to renew their certification.

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  1. Why should teachers be up-to-date with the latest scientific discoveries?

Students gain excellent knowledge from their teachers, but they can learn wrong facts from teachers. Knowledge is constantly changing to include the latest scientific discoveries. If teachers are not up-to-date with these latest discoveries, they could teach things that are no longer true.

  1. Do teachers get evaluated?

Yes, in many schools, teachers are evaluated by their superiors according to feedback from students and their parents.

  1. Why is evaluating teachers a good practice?

Evaluating teachers is a good practice to ensure that teachers stay motivated to grow their skill set.

  1. Why should the method of teaching be upgraded as well?

Teachers who stick to the same facts and methods of teaching those facts can become stagnant. They would spend a lot more time and energy explaining the same concepts as teachers who use the latest technologies.

  1. Who all benefits from teachers being evaluated?

Evaluating teachers benefits students, teachers and parents, and the education system.

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