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Tue, 28 Sep, 2021

Should Teaching Boys and Girls in Separate Classrooms? A Comprehensive Guide

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Many people believe that same-sex schools tend to be better for children. However, there is very little evidence supporting this claim. 

Since children inevitably have to outgrow the schooling system and work with people of all genders, it is more beneficial to teach them in the same classroom to help them grow familiar with working with everyone, regardless of gender.

What Studies Tell Us

Should Teaching Boys and Girls in Separate Classrooms?

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Many studies have been conducted over the years on the effectiveness of same-sex education over co-ed schooling.

  1. While children do socialise with other genders outside of schooling, it does not have the same effect on their education. Classes with a mix of both genders tend to have better grades, have better social skills, and work together more effectively.

 After graduating from school, children are inevitably going to mingle with other genders. It is important to learn how to work together from a young age and not let perceived gender biases affect the way you treat your peers.

  1. Same-sex education tends to alienate students who do not conform to traditional gender roles. With the ever-changing landscape of the world, it is important to understand and accept other gender identities. 

Not only do schooling systems tend to ignore these differences, but it can lead to ignorance and prejudice among the students.

  1. Studies have shown that mixed-gender classrooms help shape character. On a whole, girls are often taught to be quieter and less opinionated. While boys are encouraged to be stoic and loud. 

Co-ed schooling helps break down traditional gender norms and reduce bias among the new generation of adults.

  1. There is also a monetary benefit to co-ed schooling. Not only does it reduce the resources used, but it also allows for those costs to be redirected towards extracurricular activities; these are essential for character-building and stress-relief among students.

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Should Teaching Boys and Girls in Separate Classrooms?

Same-sex classes tend to require more effort and time from the schooling system. It could also lead to students with stunted skills who never learned how to work with the other gender. 

This can leave them at a disadvantage in the future when they join the workforce. Thus, boys and girls should not be taught in separate classrooms.

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  1. Can co-ed schools reduce gender bias?

Co-ed schools help students interact with each other as people first, rather than emphasising the differences in their gender identity. Co-ed schooling might help reduce gender bias in newer generations.

  1. Why do same-sex schools exist?

Many parents still prefer same-sex schools. They believe that it helps their children focus in class without the social pressure of interacting with other genders. However, this may lead to an inability to effectively communicate with others later in life.

  1. Do boys and girls have different educational needs?

There is some evidence that shows that boys and girls have different strengths when it comes to learning. However, combining those strengths leads to a better classroom environment and learning experience.

PlanetSparks recognizes that different children have different learning needs. Our curriculum takes into account these differences and prepares students to face the future.

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