Writers Guild

Wed, 15 Sep, 2021

Should the Government be Allowed to Censor Internet Content Deemed Inappropriate?

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Should the Government be Allowed to Censor Internet Content Deemed Inappropriate?

There are pros and cons to any technology or innovation. The Internet is a useful tool, but people have started using it to threaten lives and put nations’ security at risk. We are vulnerable to data thefts. 

The easy availability of sensitive information impacts the malleable minds of our children. Nation states employ varying degrees of regulatory mechanisms to ensure that the benefits of the Internet outweigh its ill effects. These steps fall under Internet censorship. 

It refers to the practice of state-monitored and controlled use of the Internet. The question that comes to mind is: should governments be allowed to censor inappropriate content on the Internet? 

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Why Censorship Is Needed

Should the Government be Allowed to Censor Internet Content Deemed Inappropriate?


Censorship of the Internet is needed in moderation. If left unmonitored, criminal minds and enemy states can use it to put you, your children, and your nation at risk. Some benefits are listed below: 

  1. Safeguards users from identity and data thefts 

  2. Protects from infringement of Intellectual Property Rights

  3. Blocks access to obscene content such as porn sites 

  4. Critical to national security

  5. Preventing the spread of disturbing information such as fake news 

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An Excess Of Everything Is Bad

The peace of mind that a basic regulatory mechanism guarantees you can be taken away in states that use censorship and surveillance to intimidate citizens and restrict their freedom of expression.

 A fallout of extreme censorship can occur in several ways. 

  1. Free speech is the first casualty of excessive censorship 

  2. The state becomes a threat to its citizens

  3. Access to basic information is denied

  4. Social networking is banned or restricted

  5. The high cost of surveillance eats into public revenues 


Should the Government be Allowed to Censor Internet Content Deemed Inappropriate?

Any power in the hands of the masses needs monitoring. The Internet is a powerful tool.

 With its unlimited channels of information, the Internet can become a boon or a bane depending on how its use is regulated. A government’s job is to act as a watchdog and not become a bloodhound.

 So long as its censorship protects the nation and ensures a level-playing field for its citizens on the global stage, monitoring can lead to desirable results and is advocated.  

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Frequently Asked Questions 

  1. What is Internet censorship?

State-monitored use of the Internet is called Internet censorship. Internet censorship varies from government regulated or heavily surveilled. 

  1. Which governments have the highest Internet censorship?

While most Asian countries are known to have higher levels of censorship than the Western and European countries. China, North Korea, Turkey, and Iran heavily censor Internet use. 

  1. Which websites and apps are banned by governments?

Countries with Internet restrictions block access to select sites and apps that they deem inappropriate or harmful to their people. Torrents, porn sites, and sites fishing for financial data and intellectual property are banned in several countries. 

  1. Does the US censor activities on the Internet?

No. Internet freedom is a right in the US. It is regulated by the government. Censorship is minimal. 

  1. Does the Indian government regulate Internet use? 

The Indian government regulates Internet use for its citizens. It also blocks and restricts access to sites and apps that threaten national security from time to time. 

  1. Can private organisations censor Internet usage? 

Yes, several private organisations limit or restrict the use of the Internet for their employees at the workplace.

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