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Wed, 10 Aug, 2022

The Essential Guide to Avoiding Toxic People

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How To Avoid Toxic People

Every day, we meet many kinds of people in our life. Some are sweet, while some are not. Continue reading to know how to avoid toxic people.

Toxic people often drain one’s energy and put them in a negative mental space. They may make people feel that their achievements are not up to the mark or worthless by undermining them.

A common toxic trait would be being self-absorbed. It is 2022, and we champion self-love, but we cannot stand a narcissist. We will surely come across a person who is so self-obsessed that they can only think about themselves.

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Another unpleasant characteristic in people is jealousy. Some individuals are jealous of us and our achievements and put us down. They make sure we do not succeed in our life and career. We also have manipulators who confuse us.

Toxic people cause many obstacles in our lives and do not treat us well. Thus, we must learn to stay away from such people.

How To Avoid Toxic People

How To Avoid Toxic People

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We can do a few things to keep toxic people at a safe distance:

  1. Avoid them

The most straightforward thing one can do is to avoid them! However, to do this, we need to realise that the person is being toxic; only then will we realise that they are altering our lives.

  1. Notice what they say

Not everyone behaves badly all the time. Sometimes, we say things we don’t mean or show toxic traits at the moment, but this does not make us toxic people.

Notice if they always make comments that are abusive and hurtful. If they do, then you are better off without them. If they do it rarely, such as due to an emotional outburst, you can talk to them and tell them how they feel about their behaviour.

  1. You come first

Always remember to put yourself first. If the toxic person’s behaviour is draining you, but you are worried about hurting them by avoiding them, remind yourself that you do not have to deal with their toxic trait and slowly avoid them.

  1. Keep away

When one finds someone showing their toxic traits, simply show compassion and do not support their complaints and accusations.


How To Avoid Toxic People


It is necessary to protect yourself from toxic people. You need to save your mental energy to do the things you love and make sure not to waste it on people who do not deserve it. Push away toxic people and lead a peaceful life.

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  1. What are some characteristics of toxic people?

Toxic people are selfish, rude, and jealous. They tend to manipulate others and hamper their personal development.

  1. What should you do if you come across a toxic person?

You should stay away from toxic people. If they are too mean to you, you must be assertive and stand up to them.

  1. How do you know if someone is toxic?

To assess if a friend or family member is toxic, try to understand how they make you feel. If you are angry, sad, or annoyed around them, chances are they are toxic.

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