
Fri, 14 Aug, 2020

The Government Should Provide Shelter for the Homeless!

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A homeless man beside the street

With the recent increase in homeless people, there is an argument that the government should provide shelter for them. There are several reasons for providing the homeless with shelter, along with practical ways to do so. This article highlights these points.

Who Are Homeless People?

Homeless people do not have a shelter of their own or, for some reason and for a prolonged period of time, are unable to secure one.

What Factors Are Associated With An Increase In The Number Of Homeless?

A mattress and a blanket of homeless people

  1. Growth of Cities: With the growing trend of urbanization, people are moving from rural areas to the cities, and urban housing is becoming increasingly expensive. Many people are unable to afford housing in the city and become homeless.

  2. Poverty: Poverty is one of the major reasons people are forced to live in the streets. The government cannot provide enough jobs for everyone and poverty is often caused by unemployment, which prevents people from finding work.

  3. Less Job Opportunities: There are less job opportunities in remote areas, making it harder for people living in remote areas to get jobs. This has led to an increase in people being homeless as they cannot afford a house of their own.

  4. Corruption and red-tapism: The corrupt officials make it difficult for people to find a place to live and thus they become homeless.

What Are The Most Effective Ways To Provide Shelter For The Homeless?

  1. Make a Better Connection with Organizations: Many organizations are created to provide shelter for the homeless. However, there is a need for a better connection between these organizations and the government to ensure that effort is not wasted.

  2. Provide More Employment Opportunities: There are many ways to address this issue. One way would be to reduce taxes so that companies can pay their employees more money and provide them with the benefits that they need. This would mean that the government should take an active role in helping people find jobs and improve living conditions all over the country.

  3. Build Homes: This is the most effective way of dealing with this problem, especially in the western and central parts of  the country because there are many empty houses that can be turned into homes for the homeless.

  4. Provide More Support Programs to the Homeless: There are a lot of support programs and shelters available for homeless people. However, there is still a lack of coordination among these organizations, which makes it difficult for the homeless to get the help that they need.


In conclusion, the homeless problem in the entire world has worsened in the last few years. This is the recession that hit the country and forced many who lost their jobs to turn to crime as a source of income. In some cases, they are forced to steal something that has more value than what they can get from robbery.

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  1. Why should the government help homeless people?

If the government does not help these people, they would probably be forced to sleep on the streets and thus become prey to many predators. This would also mean that the government would need to do more often to prevent these people from being on the streets in the first place.

  1. What factors are associated with an increase in the number of homeless?

Several factors can lead to an increase in homelessness, such as corruption and red-tapism. In addition, there are many job opportunities outside the cities and remote areas, making it harder for people to get jobs.

  1. What are the most effective ways to provide shelter for the homeless?

The most effective way of dealing with this problem is to build homes in places where they will be least vulnerable to violence and crime. However, before doing this, there is a need for better organization among related organizations so that help can reach the homeless more effectively. 

This can be done through better communication between the organizations, the government and other institutions that have large numbers of homeless people.

  1. What is the best way to help homeless people?

As long as there are solutions to the problem, it is not necessary to make comparisons either positive or negative between different methods.

  1. What can countries do to prevent homelessness?

The government can ensure that there are no housing problems and provide homes for those that would lose their jobs because of the recession. However, if too many people move out of their homes and go on the street due to unemployment, then it may be difficult for them to get a home again.

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