
Mon, 06 Jun, 2022

The Ideal of World Peace: A Noble Goal or an Unattainable Dream?

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hand drawn international day of peace

Peace is defined as a sense of tranquillity and calm. In other words, peace is a situation where everybody in the world is at peace, and there is no war or unnecessary violence.

In theory, world peace is a great idea and is possible. After all, what you really need to achieve world peace is a sense of empathy, and it is theoretically possible for everyone to be empathetic. However, when it comes to reality, achieving world peace is impossible, in my opinion. 


A woman protesting for peace

The first reason I think it’s impossible to have world peace is that the idea of peace is highly subjective and undefined. To achieve peace on a global scale, that is, peace on Earth, when we can’t even define it is impossible. 

The second reason I think it is naive to believe we can achieve peace on earth is because humans are not heterogeneous; we all have different ones. To reach a place where we all are at peace, we must ensure we all get what we want. That is not possible because, in many situations, what one person wants is directly in conflict with what another person wants. This especially happens as each person has their own beliefs and ideologies. 


Hence, I do think that the idea of peace on Earth is naive. However, that being said, we should still try to achieve world peace. It is true that it is an impossible standard; however, it is a very necessary idea. Just because it’s impossible to achieve doesn’t mean we should stop trying to make the world a better place. As they say, if you strive for the moon, even if you fail, you land amongst the stars.

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  1. What is peace?

Peace is a sense of calm and tranquillity such that there is nothing else that you desire. It’s a situation where you just feel comfortable and happy.

  1. What is world peace?

World peace is a state of mind that a lot of people strive for where they want everybody in the world, specifically different countries, to be happy and have a sense of fraternity with each other.

  1. Why is it so difficult to achieve world peace?

Achieving world peace is extremely difficult because the idea often differs from person to person, let alone from country to country. Anything that includes emotions is very difficult to achieve on such a mass scale. What makes one person feel at peace, what makes one community feel at peace—this notion not only differs for different sets of people, at times, it may even be directly in conflict.

  1. Is it pointless to even strive for world peace?

While world peace is very difficult to achieve, it is necessary to strive for it to make the world a better place. Indeed we may never achieve absolute world peace, but it is important to at least try because if we don’t try, we won’t achieve even the smallest sense of tranquillity.

  1. What are some ways to work towards the ideal of peace on earth?

One of the simplest ways to work towards world peace or peace on Earth is to become empathetic towards other people. We need to stop focusing on our differences and start focusing on what makes us one.

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