
Mon, 06 Apr, 2020

The Life and Works of Mother Teresa!

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The Life of Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa

It can be a good thing if every one of us solves our problems. If we look back on the life of Mother Teresa, we will learn several things. Mother Teresa was born on August 8, 1910, in North Macedonia. 

The parents of Mother Teresa were Albanian. But you must have heard that Albanians did not exist during that time. The Ottoman Empire ruled Albania until 1912. Although Mother Teresa was an Albanian, she never visited this place till 1989. The only reason was that the Albanians refused to issue her visa. At 18, she decided to join the Catholic religion and leave the materialistic world.

She was then sent to India with the mission of the Sisters of Loreto. She took her primary training in Dublin. The rest of the work took place in India, where she took the vow or oath. She came to Calcutta, where she started her life by teaching in a school from 1931 to 1948. 

During this tenure, she noticed an important thing. She found that people outside the wall were starving. They had nothing on them. This moved her to a considerable extent. She got permission from her higher authorities and started trying to marginalise those people. This was a significant step toward bringing them into everyday life.

The first thing she did was open a school for deprived people who do not have food and other things. Apart from providing them with the essentials, she started providing them with basic education. After several attempts, she opened the Missionaries of Charity in 1950. After fifteen years, she received the title of Pope. With this, she started acquiring everything. Her only motive was to look after the well-being of the people and the oppressed.


Mother Teresa is not counted among normal people. She is someone above all. These people are rarely born on this earth. If you look into her life, you will find many exciting events and works that she did for the less fortunate.

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  1. Which is the birthplace of Mother Teresa?

She was born in Skopje, North Macedonia. She was Albanian by birth but had never been to this country.

  1. Why did she come to India?

She came to India on a mission. However, she was moved by the conditions of the people who used to roam all along the streets.

  1. What was her contribution to the people? "

She did a lot for the Indian people. Irrespective of caste, creed, and sex, she worked for the people. She always tried to work for the oppressed people of the nation.

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