Writers Guild

Tue, 21 Sep, 2021

The Worst Nightmare I Ever Had: A Guide to Overcoming Life's Challenges


The Worst Nightmare I Ever Had

I have had many nightmares, but the worst was when I was nine years old.

There was darkness everywhere. I could not see anything around me. I could hear my mom calling me, but that did not help. I was too scared to move and felt like I would fall into some bottomless pit if I tried to move.

I told myself that it was just a dream and would wake up sometime. But the darkness did not fade away, and the nightmare worsened with time. It seemed like hours had passed, but nothing happened. 

I tried to scream and cry out for help, but nothing came out of my mouth. It was as if someone had tied a cloth over my mouth, preventing me from making any noise.

I managed to get up from my bed, hoping that this would end soon or get better with time. But as I moved forward, the room grew darker and colder than before. The sound of my mom calling me also faded away, and there were no signs of light anywhere around me.

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I finally reached the door, hoping to find some source of light or even a human being who would save me from this nightmare! But instead, when I opened the door, all I saw was more darkness.

Suddenly, I heard a noise coming from the wardrobe next to me. It sounded like someone was moving things around in it.

The Worst Nightmare I Ever Had

 My sister's dollhouse was in there, and as soon as I heard the noise, I imagined my sister's dolls watching me with their red eyes, wanting to get out of the wardrobe. 

Suddenly, I felt something crawling on my arm. I looked down and saw a huge spider! It was black and bigger than my hand. Suddenly, it jumped at me and started attacking me. It bit me hard on my hand and then ran away fast under the sofa. 

Then there was a loud knocking sound on the door of our apartment. The door opened slowly by itself.

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It was very dark and cold. I took a step forward, but I couldn't see my feet. I stretched my hands out in front of me, but I couldn't see my hands either.

I had no idea where I was or how I got there. It seemed that someone had taken my eyes and put me in the middle of nowhere. 

Suddenly, an eerie silence shattered by a scream shook the world around me.


The Worst Nightmare I Ever Had

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Instinctively I screamed, too; at least that sounded like to me. A second later, something came flying at me from the sky. It was pitch black and about the size of a football. Once, it hit me on my head and knocked me out for a few seconds. 

When I finally opened my eyes, more black objects were flying towards me from all directions - some big and some small - repeatedly hitting every part of my body! 

It felt as if someone had opened a hornet's nest on top of me! 

Then I finally woke up from the nightmare with a scream.

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