Creating Confidence

Mon, 06 Sep, 2021

These 5 ways can remove shyness in your child!

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What is Shyness in kids?

Shyness is a feeling that impacts how a child feels and acts in social situations. It is defined as a sensation of unease, self-consciousness, nervousness, or insecurity. Shy children experience feelings such as blushing or feeling silent or out of breath. Not all shy youngsters enjoy playing alone. Shyness can include aspects of fear and anxiety; thus, it is important to help your child overcome shyness.

Parents should check for nervousness in children who perform badly in school or have difficulty establishing friends. Those who have been bullied are at a higher risk of acquiring shyness.

When children are shy, they may be hesitant to say or do anything because they are unsure of themselves and don't want to be noticed. It's very common for children to feel like they're on the show, avoid meeting new people, or prefer sitting on the sidelines rather than being in the thick of the activity. However, with PlanetSpark's expert guidance, you can help your children overcome shyness. To know more, visit our website today!

How will you get to know if your child is shy?

Do you know what factors determine if your child is shy or outgoing? Is shyness something your child acquired or something they learned from their interactions with others? Some of the potential causes of shyness are as follows:

  • They fail to participate in social situations due to a lack of confidence. As a result, when they are surrounded by situations in which they are expected to express themselves or participate, they may try to escape because overcoming shyness for kids becomes difficult.

  • Children become used to receiving negative responses from others due to too much bullying and judgment. Due to this, their self-esteem has suffered a significant drop, and they may believe that everyone dislikes them, failing in overcoming  shyness.

  • Inconsistent parenting can make a youngster feel insecure, and they may believe their parent is way too involved at times and underly involved at others. As a result, it becomes difficult for kids to overcome shyness.

  • If a parent lacks involvement in their child's growth, the child may feel isolated, fearing that they will be viewed as worthless or "not worth it." As a result, overcoming shyness for kids becomes challenging.

  • The fundamental cause of shyness is a negative self-image or a lack of self-confidence. If your child is unhappy with their personality, it is practically impossible to satisfy others. You start to lose confidence in yourself and feel like you're losing things out of your hands. That makes it hard to remove shyness in children.

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 Why is it important to remove shyness for kids

Overcoming shyness for kids is critical for the development of healthy self-esteem. Shyness can cause problems at school and make it harder to develop relationships. Overcoming social anxiety and shyness involves helping your child recognize and overcome their fears. Some of the common ways you can help your child are:

  • Making them confront a stranger rather than a close friend.

  • Motivate them to be vulnerable by expressing their thoughts.

A shy person frequently imagines how embarrassing it will be to attend a party or try a new social activity and avoid it. Even if these activities make your child nervous, trying new things is a vital step. When your child rejects their fears and takes that first step toward trying something new, the results will be better than expected.

PlanetSpark can help to remove shyness in children. They can learn social skills, recognize their shyness, and understand when their shyness is due to irrational thinking.

Children might benefit from relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, which will help them overcome shyness. Children and adults suffering from shyness may benefit from group therapy. PlanetSpark courses are beneficial to get rid of shyness in students who struggle to complete daily tasks. So, do not delay! Enroll in these courses today!

Ways to get rid of Shyness in students

Having a shy personality isn't always a bad thing. It's completely acceptable not to be able to get used to new people and settings. However, shyness prevents some children from feeling confident. Shy children are frequently concerned about failing or being judged negatively by others. Thus, some children wish to be less shy to enjoy mingling and being themselves in front of others. Here are probable ways to get rid of shyness in students 

  • Begin with folks your child already knows - With the people your child feels most comfortable around, practice social skills like eye contact, confident body language, introductions, small chat, and asking questions, which will help them overcome shyness. 

  • Make a list of discussion starters - Getting a conversation started with a new person is often the most difficult aspect. Consider ice-breakers and conversation starters, such as asking your child to introduce themself, which will help overcome shyness.

  • Give your child an opportunity to succeed - Look for group activities where your child may interact with others with common interests. Allow them to practice socializing with these new individuals and eventually get to know them; this will remove shyness in children.

  • Assist your child in becoming more assertive - Because shy people are often overly concerned with the reactions of others, they don't want to upset the balance. That doesn't make them. However, it may indicate that they are less forceful. This is where they need your support. 

  • Discuss the problem - When children see their parents arguing or doing other similar activities, they become underconfident and shy. Keep them away from such circumstances as much as possible. If your child has been exposed to such a situation, get expert help to get your child rid of shyness.

From shy to fly, PlanetSpark is here to remove shyness in students.

Shyness, as we know, is a feeling of discomfort in social circumstances. Shyness usually interferes with your child's ability to enjoy life function at a level where he is capable. This even causes your child to avoid social situations entirely. Shyness in your children can lead to many grave issues like a lack of social life, friends, confidence, communication skills, running away from situations, fear of public speaking, thinking less of oneself, and constantly comparing oneself to others. Our mentors at PlanetSpark help your child rise above these problems with our get rid of shyness courses for kids.

This course teaches your child the skills to help them overcome social anxiety and shyness. One of the biggest reasons for shyness, according to PlanetSpark, is loneliness. And our course will teach your child how to integrate themselves into other people's lives to make friends and connect with them. Our program teaches your child how to be "Leaders" rather than "Followers," youngsters of "Substance" rather than "Average," to get rid of shyness in students.

Make your child learn how to break out feelings through Planet Spark

By bringing your deeper emotions to the surface, the training helps your child overcome shyness. It is vital to teaching your kid the difference between stopping to put themself down and starting to push themselves up. It will help them acquire adequate strength and power. The program includes a unique combination of activities that address all parts of their shyness: emotional, practical, and unconscious. The things your child can learn from this course:

  • This course helps your child to grasp social and emotional concepts and skills to remove shyness in children.

  • Your child will learn the most effective ways for overcoming social anxiety and shyness in a relaxed manner.

  • Our course helps your child to understand conditioning to help the child overcome shyness.

  • It helps overcome social anxiety and shyness by making them understand how our mind either defeats us or leads us to success and fulfillment and how to take control.

  • Your child gets motivated, which helps kids overcome shyness, making them confident enough to face the outside world.

  • They learn the rules of effective communication.

  • They get to know what is behind the fear of rejection and how to turn that around to the joy of acceptance which helps children overcome shyness.

  • Building self-esteem by overcoming shyness in kids

  • Challenging your child's negative thoughts by helping a child overcome shyness 

Learn more about techniques like these by Booking a FREE Class with a PSAT Qualified Expert!

How can PlanetSpark help your child overcome introverted shyness?

Being extroverted or introverted is not always bad; rather, each has its skills and shortcomings. But at times, due to your child's naturally quiet personality, they are sometimes overlooked for leadership positions. As more people discover your child's nature, it becomes more important to help your child overcome introverted shyness. Some of the ways to overcome shyness are as follows:

  • Make your child experiment with new ideas and push them to stretch their limits. Our course on overcoming shyness for kids makes them view each interaction and social environment as a fresh challenge.

  • PlanetSpark engages and exposes children to a variety of people. Ask your child to begin by engaging in small talk with strangers. The more confident your child is in interacting with various people, the more easily they will overcome shyness.

  • Avoiding social events and interactions is a serious problem. Tackling this scenario with self-belief is the solution offered by Planet Spark, which helps children overcome shyness. Confidence is a skill that your child may acquire through practice.

  • Make people feel and think that you're a positive and confident person by changing your body language. It will help you make eye contact, walk with your head held high, and speak clearly while smiling. And it's only feasible if you take the planet spark overcoming social anxiety and shyness courses.

Talk to our Expert today and learn about more such ways to overcome shyness! Book a session NOW!


  • Will my shy child learn to interact with others online?

PlanetSpark chat sessions can help students participate in class discussions and allow timid students to interact with other students, which helps them overcome shyness. 

  • How do you encourage a shy student to speak up?

PlanetSpark encourages students to participate by creating a safe space to get rid of shyness. Our course ensures that all children actively participate in all discussions during the classes. 

  • How can my child overcome the challenges of online teaching?

Avoid Distractions: Try to avoid anything that can interfere with your learning. PlanetSpark can keep you occupied and engaged, thereby helping kids overcome shyness 

  • What is the most common issue that students face when taking online classes?

Because it depends entirely on self-motivation, having a time management system is possibly the most difficult hurdle for students to conquer. PlanetSpark ensures that kids are serious about their education and daily schedule. 

  • Will a lack of a classroom not affect my shy kid in becoming better?

Participating in online discussions gives shy students the confidence to express their ideas and opinions without being concerned about others' opinions. Planet park ensures that all students participate so that overcoming shyness for kids becomes easy

  • How do you appreciate small efforts taken by a student who lacks confidence?

Our program recognizes accomplishments and offers achievement rewards. Establishes realistic expectations as well as adopts a growth mindset to help kids overcome shyness

  • What methods do you use to motivate students online?

PlanetSpark's how to overcome introvert shyness course for kids focuses on making the classroom more interactive. Asking questions is the simplest way to see if our students are paying attention. We also include quizzes and challenges in online lessons helping kids overcome shyness.

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